Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lion Intimidates Crocodile

"Montebranco" e "Angola Connection"

Ligações perigosas,Governo de Angola,Empresária angolana Isabel dos Santos,empresário israelita Lev Leviev, China Sonangol,empresário francês Pierre Falcone, empresário
 português Helder Battaglia,tanta coisa encoberta,dinheiros desviados,  parcerias e negócios obscuros,corrupção ao mais alto nível com o pior que há da máfia internacional,e aos angolanos sem qualquer tipo de explicação ou justificação, continuamos a ser enganados , ludibriados, injustiçados e roubados sem nenhuma contestação,pacificamente,e assim vai Angola…
Corrupção com rosto ,com nomes,mas no nosso País como a impunidade anda de mãos dadas com a cumplicidade, “resta-nos esperar que a justiça em Angola seja igual para todos..« O mundo tornou-se muito pequeno para os responsáveis governamentais que pensam que eles podem pilhar, com toda impunidade, os recursos dos seus países ».A corrupção é uma ameaça ao desenvolvimento, à democracia e à estabilidade. Distorce os mercados, trava o crescimento económico e desencoraja o investimento estrangeiro. Corrói os serviços públicos e a confiança nos funcionários.
Bataglia tem Angola aos seus pés
Helder Battaglia, um empresário Português com laços estreitos com o presidente angolano José Eduardo dos Santos, bem como Chávez e Kirchner. Battaglia tem vários investimentos em Angola, Congo e na América Latina
Bataglia tem Angola aos seus pés. Se não é assim, parece. Nascido em Portugal,tinha meses quando foi parar a Baía Farta, no Namibe,Angola. Fez o serviço militar em Cabinda, especializando-se nas ações psicológicas. Estreou-se nos negócios em 1972, em Benguela, a vender produtos alimentares e na seca do bacalhau.
Após aindependência, e durante uma década, foi comerciante no Médio Oriente. Os anos 80 trouxeram-lhe pontes para os mercados de Leste e, em 1992, ligou-se ao banco de Ricardo Salgado, criando a svb-holding Espírito Santo Commerce, em estreita colaboração com Luís Horta e Costa, seu braço direito.
Por uma soma que terá oscilado entre os 400 e os 500 milhões de euros, a Sonangol – acionista de peso do BCP, da GALP e da Amorim Energia – adquiriu a ESCOM ao GES, em 2011. Bataglia ficou com 10% do capital e manteve o comando do grupo. O investimento foi conduzido por Manuel Vicente, o homem que, já este ano, deixou a liderança da petrolífera para se tornar ministro de Estado e da Coordenação Económica e provável sucessor do Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos.

O «n.° 2» do regime foi recentemente associado a suspeitas de peculato e branqueamento de capitais, na sequência de uma investigação do conhecido jornalista angolano Rafael Marques.
A ESCOM mantém especiais interesses nos recursos naturais angolanos. Associada a russos, chineses e parceiros locais (entre os quais o grupo GEMA, de José Leitão, antigo chefe da casa civil da Presidência), gere negócios nos setores do gás, petróleo, agricultura, energia, mineração, imobiliário, diamantes e obras públicas.
Bataglia é ainda administrador executivo do BES Angola, de cuja estrutura acionistafazem parte Isabel dos Santos, a poderosa filha do Presidente, e a Portmill, holding ligada a Hélder Dias Vieira, mais conhecido por Kopelipa, antigo general e chefe da casa militar da Presidência, cujo os investimentos no Douro têm dado brado.
O banco era, até há pouco tempo, presidido por Álvaro Sobrinho, agora suspeito de participação num esquema de lavagem de dinheiro que corre os seus termos em Portugal e ele contesta.
O grupo ESCOM, esse, continua imparável em Angola
O grupo ESCOM, esse, continua imparável. Há três anos, tinha em carteira projetos no valor de 951 milhões de euros e prometia investimentos de 1,4 mil milhões de dólares até 2014. O edifício ESCOM, na colina de Luanda, é o símbolo imponente da grandeza do império. Trata-se de uma torre a rondar os 150 metros, a maior da capital. Custou 92 milhões de euros e quase alcança o domínio dos deuses: nos pisos superiores, existem habitações de luxo e duas penthouses que, em 2007, estavam avaliadas em 3 milhões de euros cada. Na torre, estão instalados, entre outros, os escritórios angolanos da Ongoing e a redação local do semanário Sol.
Hélder Bataglia considera Angola um «país democrático», de «gente séria».
Por isso, os investimentos daquele país em Portugal só podem ser olhados «de cima.
As influências e negócios do grupo, com cerca de 2 mil trabalhadores,estendem-se aos EUA, Venezuela, Argentina, Congo,Zimbabuée África do Sul, entre outros países.Mas nem sempre os negócios correram bem: em Angola, a ESCOM escorregou nas pescas, nos aviões da Air Gemini e nas bananas da Chiquita.
Em Portugal, o grupo viu o seu nome referenciado em ilícitos fiscais, na Operação Furacão, nas investigações do caso Portucale e no processo das contrapartidas das aquisições da Defesa, ao tempo do ministro Paulo Portas, cuja compra de submarinos foi sendo associada a suspeitas de financiamento partidário ao CDS. Cônsul honorário do Burkina Faso, membro da associação de cooperação ELO, Bataglia esteve em Angola com Sócrates e Passos Coelho, a quem reconhece méritos na abertura de portas à cooperação bilateral. A ele atribuem-lhe especiais influências na renegociação da dívida de Angola a Portugal. Hélder foi investido comendador pelo Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva, homenagem ao seu papel no estreitar das relações luso-angolanas.
O administrador da ESCOM tem casas em Lisboa, Luanda e na ilha do Mussulo, mas também no seleto bairro da Recoleta, em Buenos Aires. É proprietário de um barco e comenta-se que comprou uma ilha no delta do rio Paraná (Argentina),rumor que ele desmente. «Angola é o meu país, foi lá que vivi, é onde gosto de estar e onde mantenho relações do meu tempo de infância e de escola. A maioria dos meus amigos está lá», referiu, numa entrevista.
«O Hélder é uma das poucas pessoas que conheci que se enquadra nesse perfil de empresário global. É um excelente relações públicas em qualquer parte do mundo», disse dele Ricardo Salgado, dono do Grupo Espírito Santo, à Exame.
Para os EUA, Hélder Bataglia não tem, de facto, um estatuto menor. Bem pelo contrário: o seu peso nos negócios planetários far-se-á sentir em zonas menos transparentes, mesmo não se identificando ilegalidades.
The 88 Queensway Group, A Case Study in Chinese Investor’s Operations

De acordo com um relatório do Congresso norte-americano divulgado em meados de 2009 – The 88 Queensway Group, A Case Study in Chinese Investor’s Operations in Angola and Beyond, no original – Bataglia é um dos três empresários mais influentes do planeta na promoção dos interesses chineses fora das fronteiras do país e nos negócios da China com Angola. O magnata dos diamantes israelita, Lev Leviev, e Pierre Falcone, condenado em 2009 por tráfico de influências e comércio de armas, no processo chamado Angolagate, são os outros dois. O empresário franco-argelino viria, entretanto, a ser absolvido das acusações, em abril último, após recurso.
Os norte-americanos associam Bataglia a investidores com ligações a ministérios e aos serviços de inteligência chineses e angolanos, apesar de algumas demarcações do Governo comunista.
Michel Canals é o cabecilha da rede
Resta saber o que Canals pensa disto e se um dia podera’ comprometer tudo e todos se os seus interesses ficarem desprotegidos…?
“Nas suspeitas da Justiça, Michel Canals é o cabecilha da rede. Canals terá uma lista de clientes cuja existência já pôs meia Lisboa, Cascais inteira e algumas pessoas em Angola em estado de alerta. Até porque há receio justificado de misturar alhos e bugalhos: a gestão de fortunas é uma coisa legal, o planeamento fiscal é outra coisa legal, a fraude e lavagem de dinheiro são crimes. E todas são serviços que podem ser prestados por gente da mesma natureza. Uma beleza.”
Ana Bruno a Dama de Ferro 
Ana Bruno dá a cara por dezenas de empresas que vão do imobiliário ao turismo e a sua sociedade de advogados, na torre 3 das Amoreiras, estará na mira dos investigadores da Operação Monte Branco. Suspeita-se que este e outros escritórios possam ser a fachada legal de negócios relacionados com a Akoya, nos quais estariam envolvidos advogados que funcionariam como correios de dinheiro para Francisco Canas, o «Zé das Medalhas», detido preventivamente sob suspeita de ter feito circular ilegalmente milhões de euros entre Portugal e a Suíça, ao sabor do carrossel idealizado por Canais.
Segundo fontes da investigação, o suíço teria contactos com inúmeras pessoas, sobretudo advogados, a quem proporia a angariação de clientes com dinheiro para abrirem contas em bancos suíços, primeiro via ÜBS e depois através da Akoya. A contrapartida passaria por uma comissão indexada aos montantes que os clientes dos advogados colocavam no estrangeiro.
O esquema obrigava a depositar fortunas no estrangeiro, através de sociedades portuguesas detidas por off-shores e fundações para
esconder o verdadeiro titular.
Ana Bruno é tida como angariadora de clientes angolanos para Canais e, na conta de uma familiar sua, os investigadores terão já identificado valores que passaram pelo processo de branqueamento no exterior. Michel Canais é defendido neste processo por Francisco Mendonça Tavares, advogado do escritório Ana Bruno & Associados e administrador de várias empresas, entre as quais a South Atlantic Capital, SA, também de compra e venda de imóveis, que mantém com outro advogado do escritório de Ana Bruno.
O outro entalhe do caso “Angola Connection”

O outro entalhe do caso. O de uma espécie de “Angola Connection”, uma estrutura de poder que se estende de Luanda até Lisboa, passando pelo BES Angola, um ramo do Grupo Espírito Santo que de Espírito Santo pouco mais tem do que o nome, pois parece ter vida própria e paralela, controlado por accionistas locais. Em Lisboa, essa estrutura angolana está a ganhar um poder grande, que inclui operações imobiliárias, ambições na  comunicação social e relações na política, como conta a “Visão”. Nem todos os  angolanos são iguais, mesmo os ricos. Como nem todos os portugueses são iguais, mesmo os ricos. E se é verdade aquilo de que a Justiça suspeita e os jornais noticiam, esse poder tem de ser questionado. Fazer perguntas não é fazer uma cruzada. “No pasa nada”.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Como fingir estar doente

Como fazer a bebida Orgasmo

Atentado ao património arqueológico em Belas

A imagem em cima, mostra uma Anta identificada e preservada. As imagens seguintes, são as reais. Diz a notícia: A milenária Galeria Coberta do Pego Longo, em Belas, monumento classificado, foi destruído por máquinas da Câmara de Sintra, que na zona, com a ajuda de retroescavadoras procediam à recolha blocos de pedra, para construção de um muro de sustentação de terra, num jardim nas traseiras da Biblioteca Municipal Ruy Belo, em Queluz. O monumento megalítico de Pego Longo, cujas lajes se encontravam muito fragilizadas, num local votado ao abandono e muita degradação, apesar da sua classificação enquanto património municipal, foi destruído.  

Desconhecendo da sua importância histórica e patrimonial, funcionários ao serviço da autarquia de Sintra, estão a proceder naquela zona envolvente, à recolha de blocos de pedra, transportando-os para um terreno nas traseiras da Biblioteca Ruy Belo em Queluz, onde está a ser construído um jardim e respectivos muros de sustentação. Depois de retiradas e transportadas para um jardim em Queluz, as lajes do monumento histórico, voltaram ao local de origem para serem recolocadas. (Foto: Ocidente, rádio/jornal)

Os lajões chegaram mesmo a ser transportados para o referido jardim, quando o alerta foi dado, apurou a Ocidente, rádio/jornal, que deslocou uma equipa de reportagem ao local, que testemunhou o momento da descarga os blocos de pedra, pertencentes à Galeria Coberta de Pengo Logo. Com algum nervosismo e socorrendo-se de uma má imagem ampliada do monumento, os funcionários no local, apressavam-se para recolocar as referidas lajes, numa posição, mais ou menos aproximada do original. O arqueólogo Rui Oliveira, fala de uma situação “lamentável” e “caricata” que “revela bem o estado em que se encontra o património”, classificando o acto de “grave”, que se explica pela ”falta de atenção” e “ignorância” de várias entidades, para com este tipo de património, que "não tem merecido a atenção das autoridades competentes.

“Situações destas só acontecem porque os monumentos estão ao abandono físico e do conhecimento”, desabafa o especialista, que acompanhou a reportagem ao local da OCIDENTE, rádio/jornal, acrescentando que “ninguém destrói um património desta dimensão, sabendo da sua importância histórica”.

"Aquilo é um monumento funerário megalítico, classificado como imóvel de interesse público em 1990. Tem uma parte que está destruída, não na sua totalidade, é recuperável e deverá mesmo ser recuperado porque, à luz da legislação vigente, trata-se de um crime contra o património cultural”… O arqueólogo adiantou que, dado o estado de abandono do local, é "natural" que os funcionários não se tenham apercebido de que se tratava de um monumento megalítico, adiantando que os funcionários da câmara de Sintra tentaram voltar a colocar as pedras no lugar, num procedimento que considera errado.

"É uma tristeza. Não pode ser colocado de qualquer maneira, tem que ser apoiado por um arqueólogo", lamentou. "Eles tentaram colocar uma pedra no sítio, mas é errado do ponto de vista da conservação, porque esse trabalho tem que ser feito por técnicos, e a autarquia tem esses técnicos. A reposição da situação anterior tem que ser feita pela autarquia e pelo IGESPAR", explicou Pedro Ventura.

Até ao momento a Câmara de Sintra, ainda não se pronunciou sobre o assunto, mas a Ocidente, rádio/jornal, sabe de fonte não oficial, que pode estar já em curso, um inquérito interno para apurar responsabilidades.

Eurovision 1989 - Da Vinci - Conquistador

Friday, November 9, 2012

A Mercedes limo, escorted by a Range Rover, transported Diana and Dodi from Le Bourget airport to the Villa Windsor, which had been leased from the French government by Dodi’s father, then drove to the Al Fayed owned Ritz Hotel.
That evening, the couple was driven to Dodi’s apartment, where they dressed for dinner, and returned to the Ritz. Dodi’s personal chauffeur Philippe Dourneau, drove the limo on both trips. On the latter trip, Dourneau took the shortest route between the Ritz and the apartment. In a purported effort to elude paparazzi, the couple left the hotel by a rear exit shortly after midnight in a Mercedes S280 limo, en route for Dodi’s apartment. The vehicle was much lighter than the previous limo (a Mercedes 600) thus rendering it much more vulnerable than the earlier used limo in the event of a crash, and was driven by Henri Paul, the acting Head of Security at the Ritz. Why was Paul, who had left for the night, recalled to drive the vehicle instead of a professional chauffeur? Unlike Dourneau, Henri Paul wasn’t licensed to drive either limo.
Instead of taking the shortest route to Dodi’s apartment, Paul took a circuitous route in a direction away from the apartment. Why?
Three paparazzi later claimed that Paul departed the Ritz at a high speed. This claim was contradicted by footage from the hotel’s security cameras showing the Mercedes leaving at a normal speed, with Paul driving in a responsible manner.
According to the police, Henri Paul’s blood alcohol level was very high, yet the Ritz security cameras revealed that Paul arrived at the hotel shortly after 10:00 pm and displayed no erratic behavior while parking his car, nor later in the hotel. Upon arrival at the hotel, Paul was in regular contact with Al Fayed bodyguards Trevor Rees-Jones and “Kes” Wingfield. Neither of them observed any evidence suggesting that Henri Paul was intoxicated.
Oxygen purportedly was administered at the crash site to the injured Diana by Dr. Frederick Mailliez, who later made contradictory statements concerning the event.
Investigative Judge Hervé Stephan attributed the crash to Henri Paul’s drunkenness, yet failed to interview key witnesses such as bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones or persons claiming to have observed a collision between the Mercedes and a white Fiat Uno. A spokesperson at the British Embassy in Paris claimed that the embassy staff was unaware that Princess Diana was in the city, a claim refuted by the fact that two very senior members of MI6 were at the embassy on the same day of her arrival.
A Convenient Scapegoat
The numerous anomalies surrounding the crash and the eagerness by both the investigative authorities and the news media to solely blame the hapless Henri Paul for the incident strongly suggest the occurrence of a massive cover-up. The news media claimed that Paul had been battling alcoholism for at least a year, yet his autopsy revealed that his liver was normal for a person of his age. According to Henri Paul’s friends, he wasn’t a heavy drinker and led a quiet life. Moreover, he had successfully passed a medical exam necessary for renewal of his pilot’s license only a few days prior to his death. An accomplished musician and lover of classical music, he had a passion for flying light aircraft.
A possible explanation for the high alcohol content is that his blood sample may not have been refrigerated in a timely manner, thus allowing decomposition of the blood (there is no published record of the time or temperature of the body at the time of storage). It was claimed that the blood sample also contained a carbon monoxide level of 20.7%, which would have been even higher prior to death. Such an abnormally high and near lethal percentage would have resulted in nausea, confusion, a violent headache and difficulty in walking, yet the Ritz security cameras showed Paul with none of these symptoms while still at the hotel.
According to Commander Mules, the head of the Paris Criminal Brigade which had responsibility for investigating the crash, carbon monoxide was inhaled when the driver’s airbag inflated upon impact. This was impossible since the Mercedes Benz Company has publicly asserted that their airbags do not contain carbon monoxide releasing chemicals. In addition, it is customary for French firefighters to wear carbon monoxide detectors, yet none of the firefighters at the crash scene reported detection of the deadly gas. Henri Paul’s death was virtually instantaneous upon impact, primarily caused, according to the French autopsy report, by a ruptured aorta. This injury would have prevented carbon monoxide from being circulated throughout the body. Very significantly, Dodi’s father was refused permission by French authorities to have an independent blood and DNA analysis conducted. In all probability, what really happened is that the blood sample had been taken from a person who had consumed a large quantity of alcohol prior to committing suicide by attaching a hose to the exhaust pipe of a vehicle.
Eyewitness Accounts Ignored
The flagrant manner in which the French authorities have elected to ignore statements made by various French, British and Americans who were eyewitnesses to the circumstances surrounding the fatal crash in the Alma tunnel, also their refusal to release samples of Henri Paul’s blood for analysis by independent pathologists, strongly suggests that the tragic death of Princess Diana was premeditated murder. Even Diana herself feared that she would be the target of an assassination orchestrated by security forces on behalf of the Windsors. A year prior to her death, Diana wrote: “This particular phase of my life is the most dangerous. My husband is planning ‘an accident’ in my car … in order to make the path clear for him to marry.”
Diana’s fear of assassination becomes plausible if we consider a brief overview of her childhood and her tumultuous relationship with the Windsors. One can imagine the trauma and sense of insecurity engendered in ten year old Diana as she watched her mother storm out of the house (and out of a loveless marriage to Earl Spencer) without bothering to say goodbye to her children.
Teddy Bears and Diapers
Sadly, Prince Charles also suffered an unhappy childhood, which probably was accentuated after being packed off to his father’s old school Gordonstoun, in Scotland – a school noted for its Spartan living conditions. Gordonstoun’s headmaster was Kurt Hahn, the founder of the Hitler Youth Movement. It would appear that the dispassionate upbringing of Windsor males tends to create emotionally crippled adults, as evidenced by the pleasure derived by King Edward VIII in being pushed around at parties in a baby carriage, clad only in a diaper. Perhaps it also explains why a threadbare teddy bear invariably accompanies the adult Prince Charles on his travels and also his enduring love for the much older Camilla Shand, even after she had married the Queen Mother’s godson Andrew Parker Bowles.
As far as the senior Windsors were concerned, it was mandatory that male heirs to the throne marry non catholic blue blooded virgins. This eliminated Camilla from contention since she was considered used goods. She subsequently married Andrew Parker Bowles, who reluctantly had terminated a tempestuous affair with Princess Anne in 1972 because he was a Catholic. Charles dutifully offered his hand in marriage to the twenty five year old Anna Wallace in 1977. Anna angrily severed the relationship after being publicly humiliated by Charles, who repeatedly danced with Camilla Parker Bowles – now the mother of a young son, at a ball given by Lord Vesey.
Ignoring the advice of the British Foreign Office, Charles was accompanied by Camilla at the Zimbabwe independence celebration, thereby providing fodder for the press. Still obligated to marry and produce an heir to the throne, a chance encounter brought Lady Diana Spencer to the attention of Charles at a weekend house party. This was like manna from heaven for the Windsors, for Diana was a blue eyed blond teen aged virgin who hailed from an eminently acceptable blue blooded family. A marriage to Diana also was acceptable to the prince, presumably because he assumed that this shy and naïve teenager was too timid to challenge his adulterous relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles. How wrong he was!
Charles wooed Diana like a hunter pursuing his prey. “He was all over me like a rash” was how Diana later described their first meeting. The love starved ingenuous teenager was understandably swept off her feet by the prince. Their first meeting was soon followed by a cruise on the royal yacht Britannia to the Cowes regatta, followed by a stay in Scotland at the Queen’s favorite residence, Balmoral Castle, where Diana met with the approval of the royal family as a suitable candidate for marriage to Charles. Numerous weekends with Prince Charles spent at the residence of the Parker Bowles’s followed, which must have made Diana suspicious of Charles’ fidelity, especially after he purchased Highgrove, a mansion only a few miles from the home of his mistress.1
Any suspicions Diana had concerning her suitor’s romantic relationship with Camilla became confirmed on November 16th, 1980, when the Sunday Mirror, a British tabloid, reported that Diana and the prince had spent the night together on the royal train, on which Charles had traveled while performing a civic function in Wiltshire. This was a monumental error on the part of the tabloid, for the blonde women observed entering the train that night wasn’t Diana, who was home in the apartment which she shared with others, watching television.
A Satanic Ritual
Despite her realization that the blonde haired woman who had been with Charles on the train that night must have been Camilla, Diana accepted the prince’s marriage proposal the following February, probably in the hope that Charles would eventually tire of his mistress. As soon as the formal announcement of the royal engagement had been made, Diana was shipped off to stay at Clarence House, the London residence of the Queen Mother, where she allegedly was forced to participate in an Illuminati ritual known as The Awakening of the Bride. This is a satanic ritual reserved for young women who are to marry into the highest echelons of the Illuminati. If this terrifying ritual actually occurred, it would have caused Diana to fear the Windsors for the remainder of her life. I have spoken at length with a nephew of the Aga Khan about Diana and the Windors. He told me that in addition to having been a guest of the Queen, he had also spent three weeks as the house guest of Diana after her divorce from Charles. He said that she summed up her opinion of the Windsors with the words “they’re evil.” 2
During their engagement, Charles became increasingly aloof, according to Diana’s various biographers, spending more time with Camilla Parker Bowles than with his fiancée. Because of the failing romance, Diana decided to call off the wedding but relented after discussing the matter with her father, who undoubtedly wanted to see a Spencer become Queen. Two days before the wedding, the Windsors held a ball attended by eight hundred guests, including Diana’s arch enemy Camilla. According to Charles’s former valet, the princess returned to Clarence House after the ball and Charles retired to his suite in Buckingham Palace for the night, accompanied by Camilla.
The stormy marriage of Diana and Charles began to unravel during their honeymoon aboard the Britannia, when Diana discovered photos of Camilla which had fallen from Charles’ diary. The unhappy princess did, however, fulfill her royal duty by producing two sons, “an heir and a spare,” as Diana later termed them. It was shortly after the birth of Diana’s second son Prince Harry, that Princess Anne, tired of her failed marriage to Mark Phillips, rekindled her romance with Camilla’s cuckolded husband Andrew Parker Bowles. Meanwhile, a besotted Charles continued his adultery with Camilla. Thus was initiated the bizarre situation in which the royal brother and sister were engaged in adulterous relationships with a husband and wife!
Hell Hath no Fury like a Woman Scorned
After Charles’ continued infidelity caused a disillusioned Diana’s initial love for him to develop into hatred, she exacted revenge upon the Windsors by upstaging both Prince Charles and the Queen at public appearances, much to the chagrin and envy of the Windsors. In a short period of time, her public appearances became a major public attraction to the press and adoring populace alike. Diana had undergone a metamorphosis from shy young women into a shining star in an otherwise dysfunctional Windsor firmament.
Despite her ability to create a media feeding frenzy whenever she appeared in public, Diana was a very lonely and insecure person, resulting in bouts of bulimia. Needing a shoulder to cry on, she developed a very close relationship with her bodyguard, a thirty seven year old Royal Protection Squad Sergeant named Barry Mannakee, although there is no evidence that they were romantically linked. Charles had Mannakee transferred to the Diplomatic Protection Corps after overhearing the bodyguard offering Diana advice regarding Charles’ infidelity with Camilla. After his transfer, Mannakee was killed in a collision with a car while a pillion passenger on a motorcycle. According to Major James Hewitt, with whom Diana later had an affair, Diana told him that she was convinced that Mannakee’s death was an assassination orchestrated by the Windsor staff and British Intelligence because he knew too much about the affair between Charles and Camilla. Hewitt claims that he similarly was ordered to terminate his relationship with Diana or he would receive the same fate as Barry Mannakee. 3
It was on December 9th, 1992, that British Prime Minister John Major publicly announced that Diana and Charles had decided upon a marital separation. Charles continued his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles and Diana pursued further romantic relationships, a trend which began after she had abandoned all hope of ever winning her husband’s love. In order to deliver a coup de grace to the Windsors and Camilla, the princess arranged to be interviewed for the BBC television program Panorama, which air-ed in late 1996. A tearful Diana told her viewers that “There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.” She struck a further blow by stating that she doubted whether her estranged husband was fit to be a future monarch. The program had the effect desired by Diana, resulting in public opinion of Charles and Camilla reaching an all time low. Throughout her marriage, Diana failed to realize that Charles considered it his royal prerogative to have mistresses – a centuries old tradition for European monarchs and a trait which Charles clearly relished. Diana’s father should have warned her of this trend at the commencement of her courtship.
The Royal Divorce
It was self-evident to the Queen that Diana was wreaking havoc upon the public image of the Royals. After consultations with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Prime Minister, the Queen ordered Diana and Charles to divorce. Diana received a divorce settlement amounting to seventeen million pounds, but was stunned to learn that she was to be deprived of the “Her Royal Highness” title. This mean act on the part of the Royals possibly contributed to her death. Had she been permitted to retain her HRH title, the government of any nation in which she was traveling would have been obligated to provide her with a VIP full police escort.
Diana first met Dodi Al Fayed in July, 1997, only a few weeks before her death. They first set eyes on each other aboard the luxurious yacht Jonikal, which had just arrived at Cannes with Diana and her two sons aboard. The yacht was owned by Dodi’s father Mohammed. Mohamed Al Fayed later stated that Dodi had planned to celebrate Bastille Day in Paris with his girlfriend, the American model Kelly Fisher, but changed his plans after his father had requested that he join them to be an escort for Diana.
Some journalists have implied that Mohamed Al Fayed had a hidden agenda to marry his son off to Diana in order to ingratiate himself with the Windsors, who detested him because of his political influence. Had the couple married, any sons that Diana bore would have been half-brothers to Prince William, heir to the British throne. Mohamed Al Fayed had been a friend of Diana’s father, the late Lord Spencer and had known Diana for several years. This would have given him ample opportunity to match make anytime after Diana’s divorce, had he the inclination. In actuality, it was Diana who invited herself and her sons for a holiday with the Al Fayed family, in all probability because she knew that being with the Al Fayeds would intensely annoy the Windsors. Diana and Dodi soon became inseparable, both on the yacht and later in Paris and London. The couple left London on August 21st, to join the Jonikal for a cruise on the Côte d’Azur. Photos taken by the paparazzi swarming around the sleek yacht revealed a radiant Diana very much in love with Dodi.
Dodi’s Personality
What sort of a person was Dodi? A few months after the tragic demise of the lovers, I had lunch with a person who had been a member of Dodi’s staff for almost a decade. I learned that although Dodi was a playboy who loved beautiful women and fast cars, he displayed no macho traits; rather he was a gentle and caring laid back man – just the sort of man the lonely and insecure Diana would fall for.
An event occurred during the cruise which we will return to later in this narrative, since it may help to explain what happened on the night the couple died. The yacht dropped anchor off Cap Ferrat and the lovers went sightseeing in Monaco. While ashore, they gave their bodyguards the slip and went to the Repossi jewelry store in the Hermitage Hotel, where Dodi purchased an engagement ring, leaving instructions for it to be forwarded to the Repossi store in Paris for collection the following week. Although the couple obviously wanted time alone, evading their bodyguards was a very dangerous thing to do, considering Diana’s fear of assassination. In addition to being the heir to his father’s immense fortune, Dodi himself had great wealth, possessing numerous homes, yachts, cars, a helicopter and a Gulfstream IV executive jet, thus making him a possible kidnapping target (his father invariably traveled with eight bodyguards).
Saturday, August 30th, 1997, was the fateful day when Diana and Dodi left the Al Fayed yacht which was anchored off the Sardinian coast, and flew to Paris, arriving at Le Bourget airport Saturday afternoon. The couple intended to collect the engagement ring from the jewelers, and return to London the following day. The lovers were greeted at the airport by Henri Paul. Even though Diana no longer had royal status, a fleet of police cars and motorcycle outriders provided by the French diplomatic protection squad (the SPHP) were also in attendance in order to escort the couple to the Ritz hotel.
Because of Diana’s fear of assassination by security forces, the couple decided to place their safety solely in the hands of Al Fayed bodyguards and Dodi waved away the police escort. This was a fatal mistake, for the SPHP personnel are highly trained police professionals. Had they been permitted to provide protection during the visit to Paris, assassins and the very aggressive French paparazzi would have been kept at bay.
After making the aforementioned drive to the Villa Windsor, Diana went to the Ritz’s hairdressing salon while Dodi visited Repossi’s to collect the emerald and diamond engagement ring. Dodi had already told his step-uncle Hussein Yassin, who was at the Ritz for the weekend, that he and Diana were planning to marry. After returning to the hotel, Dodi also telephoned the news to Hussein’s niece Joumana.
Dinner at the Ritz
The couple left the Ritz at seven o’clock for the drive to Dodi’s apartment in order to dress for dinner, with bodyguards Kez Wingfield and Trevor Rees-Jones following in Dodi’s Land Rover – a clear security risk if the two vehicles had become separated. Arriving at the apartment, a very frightened Diana was jostled by an overly aggressive crowd of paparazzi. It was evident that the planned dinner at the Chez Benoit restaurant was out of the question because of the paparazzi’s reckless behavior, so the couple returned to the Ritz, where they had to force their way through another frenzied crowd of paparazzi and had dinner in their sumptuous suite. Security cameras revealed several men in the crowd outside the Ritz who had loitered in the vicinity for much of the day. Former Scotland Yard Chief Superintendent John McNamara, who later was appointed by Mohamed Al Fayed to head an investigation into the crash which ended the lives of the star crossed lovers, identified these loiterers as members of British and foreign intelligence agencies.
Henri Paul returned to the Ritz shortly after 10 p.m. after an absence of three hours and was asked to meet Dodi in his suite for further instructions. After the meeting with Henri Paul, Dodi notified the hotel night manager Thierry Rocher, that the couple planned to return to Dodi’s apartment for the night and instructed the night manager to arrange for a limo to be brought to the rear exit of the Ritz shortly after midnight. He explained that Henri Paul would drive them to the apartment and that the two limos used earlier in the day were to remain parked out front as decoys.
No Bodyguards
Henri Paul contacted bodyguards Trevor Rees-Jones and Kez Wingfield who were waiting for further instructions and told the astounded pair that he would be driving Diana and Dodi back to the apartment without bodyguards. An incredulous and angry Rees-Jones made it abundantly clear that he couldn’t tolerate such a dangerous violation of security procedure. Dodi came out of his suite at that moment and confirmed Paul’s comments that bodyguards were not necessary for the short trip. Rees-Jones remained firm and Dodi relented, agreeing that Rees-Jones could accompany them, but refused to permit a back-up vehicle to follow. Wingfield later claimed that he then tried to reason with Dodi, pointing out that security would be improved through the use of a back-up vehicle. Dodi remained intransigent, stating that his father had approved the arrangement. Dodi’s father later stated that he was unaware of the plan.4
The black Mercedes S280 driven by Henri Paul, with Diana and Dodi in the rear and Trevor Rees-Jones in the front passenger seat, left from the back exit of the Ritz and proceeded at a normal speed along the rue Cambon, then turned right onto the rue Castiglione. Meanwhile, the Mercedes 600 and Range Rover decoy vehicles left from the front entrance of the Ritz for the five minute drive to Dodi’s apartment. As the Mercedes conveying Diana and Dodi drove away from the hotel, several photographers who had been monitoring the back entrance of the Ritz alerted the paparazzi waiting outside the hotel’s front entrance that the lovers had given them the slip, prompting the paparazzi to belatedly give chase.
Arriving at the Place de la Concorde, instead of turning right onto the Champs Elysées as one normally would do to take the most direct route to Dodi’s apartment, Henri Paul continued in a southerly direction towards the river Seine. Running a red traffic light, he rapidly accelerated and entered the Cours la Reine freeway, leaving the pursuing paparazzi far behind. This particular freeway passes through the Pont d’Alma tunnel where the fatal crash occurred.
The Crash in the Alma Tunnel
It is a customary practice for professional bodyguards to refrain from wearing a seat belt so as not to restrict their movements. Bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, who occupied the front passenger seat, was observed to be not wearing a seat belt when leaving the Ritz, yet inexplicably had fastened his prior to the crash. Had he fastened his seatbelt in order to avoid injury when he realized an attempt to crash the car was in progress? If this appears to be highly improbable, then consider statements made by various eyewitnesses.
Twenty-nine year old cook Eric Petel claims that he was the first person to reach the crash scene. According to the Reuters News Service, Petel stated that he was traveling at seventy miles per hour on his motorcycle when the Mercedes transporting Diana and Dodi overtook him while flashing its headlights. He was overtaken only seconds before the Mercedes crashed. Petel claimed that he stopped at the crash scene, realized that the female passenger was Diana, and then rode to the nearest police station to report the accident. Most interestingly, Petel claimed that there was no other vehicle either in front of or behind the Mercedes at the time of the crash, nor had any paparazzi arrived during the time that he was in the tunnel.
Petel’s account suggests that no other vehicle was involved in the crash. This is totally at variance with the statements made to the police by other eyewitnesses and the fact that the paparazzi were at most only a few hundred yards behind the Mercedes as it entered the tunnel. If Petel was the only eyewitness to the event, he could have sold his account to the tabloids for a considerable sum of money, yet he waited five months before going public with his story. Moreover, he released his account exactly the same weekend that the book “Death of a Princess” was released.5 This book raised the possibility that a motorcycle and a white Fiat Uno observed by other eyewitnesses were involved in the crash. According to the police, damage at the crash scene demonstrated that another vehicle had been involved, implying that Petel’s story lacks credibility. Moreover, there is no record of Petel reporting the incident to the police, suggesting that Petel’s account was a fabrication perpetrated to misdirect attention away from the claim made in Death of a Princess that other vehicles were involved in the crash.
A married couple from Rouen was later interviewed by the Rouen police. The husband stated that as he entered the tunnel, he saw in his rearview mirror that the Mercedes was behind him with a motorcycle ridden by two persons on its left. The motorcycle suddenly swerved in front of the car and there was a flash of light “like a searchlight.” He then heard a crash as he was exiting the tunnel. He stopped the car but his wife urged him to leave the crash scene, fearing terrorists. Curiously, the husband later changed his story, claiming to the Sunday People newspaper that it was he who had swerved in front of the motor cycle, thus causing the crash, although his wife still insisted that her husband’s first account was the correct version, which also is corroborated by other eyewitnesses.
According to fifty-three year old François Levy, he was ahead of the Mercedes in the Alma tunnel. There was a motorcycle on the limo’s left, which pulled ahead, then swerved into the Mercedes’ lane. Of crucial importance is Levy’s statement that as the motorcycle swerved and prior to the driver losing control of the limo, there was a flash of light. Levy said that he heard the crash as he was exiting the tunnel. His story is corroborated by British secretary Brenda Wells, a resident of Champigny sur Marne, who was returning to her residence after a party. She stated that: “A motorbike with two men forced me off the road. It was following a big car. Afterwards in the tunnel there were very strong lights like flashes.” She added that she stopped her car at the crash scene and several men on motorcycles arrived and began taking photographs.
Jean-Pascal Peyret and his wife heard an impact followed by a loud crash as they were exiting the Alma tunnel. He said that immediately after the crash his vehicle was overtaken by a motorcycle. When he reported the incident to the police he was told that they were expecting him. This startling comment suggests that the surveillance camera at the tunnel entrance was functioning, enabling the police to read Peyret’s license plate, thus contradicting the investigative team’s claim that the camera wasn’t working at the time of the crash.
Two off-duty chauffeurs who were standing near the tunnel entrance observed that Henri Paul downshifted in order to overtake a car that was attempting to slow down the limo. They also noticed a motor cycle in hot pursuit of the Mercedes.
California businessman Gary Anderson was a passenger in a taxi that was overtaken by the Mercedes, which was closely followed by two motorcycles. He stated that one of the motorcycles was being driven “aggressively and dangerously.” According to Anderson, the motorcycle overtook the limo then swerved in front of it.
A chauffeur and an engineer both told police that they witnessed two men on a motorcycle pursuing the Mercedes in a dangerous manner as the limo was approaching the tunnel.
In a newspaper interview, one witness said that he saw a car deliberately force the limo into the left hand lane as it entered the Alma tunnel. Another more detailed account of the same incident was provided in the official statement of off duty police officer David Laurent. The policeman was driving on the same freeway when a white Fiat Uno sped past him, heading in the same direction. As he approached the Alma tunnel, he saw the same car moving very slowly, as if the driver was waiting for someone.
At the time Henri Paul lost control of the limo, Dr. Frederic Mailliez was approaching the Alma tunnel in the eastbound lanes. The doctor was employed by S.O.S. Medicins, an emergency medical service owned by French insurance companies, and stopped at the crash scene where he administered oxygen to the injured Diana. Mailliez later made conflicting statements to the news media concerning Diana’s injuries, initially stating “She looked pretty fine.” During a CNN television interview he remarked “I thought this woman had a chance.” A few weeks later, when interviewed by the French medical magazine Impact Quotidien,he contradicted his earlier statements, claiming “There was no way, no chance for her.” This latter statement is at variance with the comment made by Dr. Jean-Marc Martino, who was in charge of the ambulance crew that transported Diana to hospital. He stated that he considered her condition as: “severe but not critical.”
Diana allegedly underwent two heart attacks between the time of the crash and her arrival at the hospital. Unlike ambulances typically used in most countries, the ambulances of the French emergency service SAMU are actually sophisticated mobile surgical units. It would therefore be readily apparent to the ambulance crew attending to Diana’s injuries that a heart specialist would be required after her arrival at the hospital. Incredibly, despite radio communication between the ambulance crew and the hospital staff, no heart specialist was present when the ambulance finally arrived at the hospital, nor had a heart lung machine been prepared ready for Diana’s surgery if required. Still, French authorities had found time to summon French politicians, police and British ambassador Sir Michael Jay to the hospital prior to the arrival of the ambulance. Inexplicably, one hour and forty six minutes elapsed between the time of the crash and the arrival of the ambulance at the hospital.
The cause of Diana’s death was attributed to a ruptured pulmonary vein which resulted in massive internal bleeding. Physicians in numerous nations later heavily condemned the ambulance crew for taking such an inordinate amount of time to transport Diana to the hospital, which only entailed a four mile journey. Had she been transported sooner, they claimed, her chances of survival would have been good. Dr. Patrick Goldstein, a vice president of SAMU, defended the ambulance crew’s actions, claiming: “Diana had no chance of making it.” Perhaps Dr. Goldstein is unaware that President Ronald Reagan, like Diana, also sustained a damaged pulmonary vein when he was shot, yet survived due to the expeditious manner in which he was rushed to hospital.
Diana was pronounced dead at 4:00 a.m. on the same day that the crash occurred. A very bizarre incident occurred later that morning which clouds the issue of whether or not Diana was pregnant and also suggests an unlawful course of action on the part of the Windsors and French authorities. It is a violation of French law to embalm a body prior to an autopsy, or to embalm a body without the consent of the next of kin, yet a partial embalming of Diana’s body above the waist was performed prior to an autopsy and without the consent of the Spencer family. The order to perform the embalming came from the office of Prince Charles at St. James’s Palace. This order was a blatant violation of French law since the prince was no longer Diana’s husband. Strangely, a hospital spokesperson claimed that a sample of Diana’s blood was never taken, which is very odd since they would have needed a sample in order to determine Diana’s blood type prior to administering the blood transfusions purportedly given her. The formaldehyde used in the unlawful partial embalming procedure prevented a full autopsy from being conducted later, thus concealing any evidence that Diana was pregnant with Dodi’s child (paparazzi photos of a bikini clad Diana while aboard the Al Fayed yacht revealed that she had a slightly bulging abdomen, although one photo revealing the bulge was purportedly taken just before Diana had met Dodi).
In order to find a scapegoat for the crash, the French investigative team headed by Commander Jean-Claude Mules claimed that the aggressive pursuit of the limo by the paparazzi caused the crash. When it became public knowledge that the paparazzi were several hundred yards behind the limo at the time of the crash, the investigators, aided by the British and French news media, focused their attention on driver Henri Paul, claiming that it was his drunkenness and reckless driving which resulted in the crash. At the present time, the official position adopted by the French authorities is that the crash resulted from both the aggressiveness of the paparazzi and the drunkenness of Henri Paul, despite all the eyewitness evidence to the contrary.
A Strobe Light
What really caused the crash and was it accidental or murder? With the exception of Eric Petel’s very questionable account of the crash, the consensus of eleven other eyewitness accounts suggests that after leaving the Place de la Concorde, Henri Paul accelerated, leaving the paparazzi behind, but was closely pursued by one or possibly two motorcyclists. Approaching the Pont d’Alma tunnel, one of the motorcycles aggressively cut in front of the limo, forcing Henri Paul to swerve into the right lane in order to avoid a collision, only to be impeded by a white Fiat Uno barely moving. In taking evasive action, the limo veered to the left, clipping the Fiat and damaging its left tail light. Regaining control of the limo, Paul began turning to the right, with the motorcycle in the left hand lane and slightly ahead of the limo. At that precise moment, a pillion passenger on the motorcycle apparently triggered a strobe light which temporarily blinded and disoriented Henri Paul, causing the fatal crash. The motorcycle slowed then sped away accompanied by the damaged Fiat Uno and followed by a white Mercedes.
I believe that the strobe light would have been tuned to flash at a frequency of twelve Hertz (cycles per second). This is a frequency at which a powerful strobe light will disorient a person and can induce an epileptic seizure (I used such a tuned strobe light on myself in order to verify the disorienting effect). A typical strobe light of this type, smaller than a cigar, was used by Special Forces personnel in Bosnia.
The limo crashed into the thirteenth pillar of the tunnel. Thirteen is a very important number to Satanists, prompting some investigative journalists to suggest that Henri Paul was a victim of mind control and had been programmed to specifically crash into the thirteenth pillar. While I concur that the death of Diana was engineered by the satanic thirteen interrelated family bloodlines collectively known as the Illuminati and that the thirteenth pillar was deliberately selected as the point of impact, this goal could have been accomplished by means of another highly specialized, yet little known weapon, used in conjunction with the strobe light.
This particular weapon, termed a “Five-Seven,” was developed by the French company FN Herstal for specific use by British Special Air Services personnel. It is an ultra lightweight weapon which fires a frangible bullet at the front tire of a car, causing the tire to burst in a catastrophic manner. This causes the vehicle to abruptly veer off course. Being frangible, the bullet disintegrates into tiny fragments upon impact with the tire, leaving little evidence to the untrained eye situation. Two men were observed on top of the tunnel entrance. They fired two shots at a front tire of the Mercedes as it was entering the tunnel. If my supposition is correct, why didn’t a forensic team discover frangible bullet fragments at the crash site, since it’s customary to close the road for more than just a few hours if a fatal crash involving a VIP is involved? The answer is that just as the French authorities destroyed evidence of Diana’s possible pregnancy by unlawfully permitting a partial embalming of her body, so a forensic team was prevented from conducting a meaningful examination of the crash site because the wreckage was removed, the area swept, cleaned with detergent and the tunnel reopened to traffic in less than six hours after the crash! This egregious act clearly suggests collusion between French authorities and the perpetrators of the crash.
In April, 1998, the Reuters news agency reported that a man named Oswald LeWinter had been arrested while attempting to peddle documents to Al Fayed security director John McNamara in the lobby of a Swiss hotel. LeWinter received a two and a half year jail sentence for fraud after telling the Swiss police that the documents were forgeries. The documents may have been genuine, for if LeWinter had admitted to the arresting officers that this was the case, he would have faced possible extradition to America and charged with high treason. The documents, purportedly of CIA origin, imply that the House of Windsor, together with British, American and Israeli intelligence agencies, conspired to murder Diana. One document stated that the limo driven by Henri Paul had been stolen by an Israeli Mossad team and modified so that the steering could be remotely radio controlled. Since the accounts of eleven eyewitnesses are indicative that the deaths of Diana, Dodi and Henri Paul were homicides, is there any evidence of prior plans to assassinate a VIP in a tunnel by blinding his or her chauffeur with a strobe light? Indeed there is.
Dismissal from MI6
In the autobiography of former MI6 operative Richard Tomlinson, he describes how he was inexplicably fired despite his exemplary career with the British Secret Intelligence Service, and then subsequently jailed for sending the synopsis of a book manuscript to an Australian publisher.7
After successfully arranging for nuclear secrets to be smuggled out of Russia and successfully deactivating a criminal group which attempted to smuggle chemical weapons to Iran, he was fired for his undercover work in Sarajevo, while the city was under siege. The principal criticism leveled against him was that he failed to wear a tie during a meeting with the Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic (his tie had accidentally been splashed with oil shortly prior to the meeting). He was refused a hearing to protest his unfair dismissal and jailed. After his release from prison, MI6 smeared him in the British press. When he attempted to emigrate, MI6 successfully applied pressure upon other nations to expel him. It costs great deal of money and time to train an intelligence operative, so why fire a spy who had a superlative track record? Even Mr. Tomlinson appears mystified.
I believe Richard Tomlinson was dismissed and subsequently smeared and harassed by MI6 because he appears to be a very straight arrow type of gentleman, who disapproved of an assassination plan which subsequently was used by MI6 to murder Diana. By falsely accusing him in the press of attempting to divulge state secrets, Tomlinson lost credibility with the public, thus rendering any attempt by him to link MI6 with Diana’s death, an exercise in futility.
While still an MI6 probationer, Tomlinson had read a file concerning an Anglo Iranian agent who had been instrumental in procuring a Russian BMP-3 armored personnel carrier for the British. The file disclosed that details of meetings covertly held by this particular agent at the Ritz hotel in Paris were monitored by one of the hotel’s security managers. This security manager was an MI6 paid informant. Tomlinson learned that the informant was Henri Paul, which helps to explain Paul’s numerous bank accounts and substantial wealth.
After completing an assignment in Belgrade, Tomlinson was invited by an MI6 targeting officer to participate in a plan to assassinate Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic. A few days later, the targeting officer handed Tomlinson a formal MI6 document detailing the plan to assassinate Milosevic during his scheduled visit to Geneva. Chillingly, the plan proposed that a flashing strobe light be used to disorient the chauffeur of Milosevic’s limo as it passed through a tunnel. According to Tomlinson, the document stated that a tunnel crash was the preferred assassination locale, since it would minimize the number of witnesses and maximizes the possibility that the crash would prove fatal. Tomlinson expressed to his superior his disgust that MI6 would conspire to assassinate a civilian head of state.
A Loose Cannon
Tomlinson heard no more about the assassination plan, which was never implemented – at least in the case of Milosevic. MI6 fired Tomlinson a year prior to Diana’s death and began its unrelenting harassment of him, possibly in the hope that he would commit suicide (which was the end result of the FBI harassment of movie actress Jean Seaberg). By the time of Tomlinson’s dismissal, Diana was beyond the control of the Windsors and had become a politically loose cannon, so the MI6 hierarchy must have realized that it was only a matter of time before the spy agency would be called upon to arrange her assassination, assigning contract agents to undertake the actual deed. Even though the tunnel crash scenario originally planned for the murder of Milosevic was viewed favorably by the MI6 executives, otherwise the plan would never have been written up as a formal document, the spy agency must have been aware that Tomlinson’s hostility to the assassination scenario meant that he would have to be removed from the intelligence loop before it could be implemented.
I suspect an MI6 plan to assassinate Diana using the tunnel scenario was the reason for Mr. Tomlinson’s dismissal. There was a distinct risk that he might mention the tunnel scenario in his autobiography, which would account for the strenuous efforts undertaken by MI6 to coerce various publishing houses to refrain from publishing it. Tomlinson eventually succeeded in persuading a Russian publishing house to publish it three years after Diana’s death. Eight days after Diana’s death, Tomlinson’s apartment was burgled; the only item stolen was his laptop computer containing his book manuscript which mentioned the Milosevic crash scenario and Henri Paul’s connection with MI6. Two months later, he was jailed under Britain’s draconian Official Secrets Act, which conveniently prevented him from alerting investigative journalists about the tunnel scenario and the MI6 connection with Henri Paul.
A forensic report prepared for the Paris police stated that white paint found in scratches found on the limo after the crash, came from a Fiat Uno. In addition, fragments of a Uno tail light were found at the crash site, confirming eyewitness accounts that the Mercedes had struck the rear of the Fiat, yet presiding Judge Hervé Stephan claimed that the Fiat only played a “passive” role in the incident. Neither the Fiat nor the motorcycle observed by eyewitnesses stopped in the tunnel or made a police statement. One would imagine that Commander Mules would have launched a nationwide alert for the damaged Fiat, yet remarkably restricted the search to only a few suburbs in the vicinity of the Pont d’ Alma tunnel. The Fiat was eventually discovered in a car dealership by the Al Fayed investigative team six months after the crash. The car had been repainted and damage to one side and rear repaired. The Fiat had been sold to the dealer two months after Diana’s death.
The Fiat had been licensed to leading photographer James Andanson, who told Commander Mules when interviewed two weeks after discovery of the Fiat, he was home in central France at the time of the crash. This was very odd considering that he specialized in photographing Diana wherever she went and had even spent a day aboard the Al Fayed yacht photographing Diana only seven days prior to her death. He provided no evidence to prove that he wasn’t in the Alma tunnel at the time of the fatal crash, however. Amazingly, despite the claim by the police eyewitness that the Fiat was proceeding in a suspicious manner near the tunnel entrance, in conjunction with other eyewitness accounts which suggest that the driver of the Fiat and the two motorcyclists were working in tandem to perpetrate the crash, Commander Mules never conducted an intensive investigation of Andanson. Some of Andanson’s paparazzi colleagues later claimed that he boasted of being in the Alma tunnel the night Diana died.
A Fiery Death
Three years after Diana’s death, commandos on a training exercise in a sparsely populated region of central France, discovered Andanson’s badly burned body in a car which had been set ablaze. His death was ruled a suicide, even though the keys were missing and the car had been locked from the outside.
The Al Fayed investigative team and several journalists have concluded that Andanson had been murdered because he talked too much about Diana’s death. I tend to disagree, suspecting that this was only a secondary motive. I believe that the primary reason for his murder is that he was under investigation at the time of his death by the French Special Branch. Such an investigation would have undoubtedly revealed Andanson’s connection to the suspicious death of the former French Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction and the Jonathan Pollard spying incident.8
According to the aforementioned Richard Tomlinson, Andanson was a member of UKN. This is a covert department of MI6 consisting of a group of individuals whose regular employment as journalists and paparazzi enable them to keep MI6 informed on the activities of VIP’s. Pierre Bérégovoy’s death had been ruled a suicide, but was being reinvestigated at the time of Andandson’s death due to the violent deaths of three other French politicians who had been linked to scandals surrounding French President Françoise Mitterand. James Andanson had visited Bérégovoy’s home town of Nevers on the day the latter had died from a bullet wound to the head. Being photographed by Andanson was a very hazardous experience, because Andanson had also visited four other VIP’s on the day they died, suggesting that he was almost certainly an assassin in the employ of one or more intelligence agencies. Andanson was a very prominent photographer who had covered many of Diana’s public appearances. Forensic evidence proved that his Fiat Uno had been hit from behind by the limo driven by Henri Paul. Being at the crash scene prior to the arrival of the other paparazzi provided him with the photo opportunity of his lifetime, yet he failed to stop. His UKN membership, taken in consideration with his loitering at the tunnel entrance until the limo had caught up, reinforces the suspicion that he was a member of an assassination team acting under the direction of MI6.
London lawyer Gary Hunter was in a third floor room at the Royal Alma Hotel when he heard the crash in the tunnel. The hotel is less than a hundred yards from the tunnel. Dashing to the window, he saw a small car turn onto the rue Jean Goujon from the tunnel exit less than two minutes after the crash, closely followed by a white Mercedes. He stated that both cars were traveling very fast and reported: “My own feeling is that these people were in a hurry not to be there. I am confident that car was getting off the scene. It was obvious they were getting away from something and that they were in a hurry. It looked quite sinister.”
Because so little time had elapsed since the crash, the small car observed by Hunter must have been the Fiat Uno fleeing the accident scene at high speed. Why did the Fiat exit the tunnel and turn onto the rue Jean Goujean instead of continuing along the freeway? Andanson, the owner of the Fiat, worked for British Intelligence, as did Henri Paul, according to Tomlinson.
If the tunnel crash had been orchestrated by British Intelligence, which appears to have been the case, then it was imperative for Andanson to hide the damaged Fiat as quickly as possible in order to avoid being apprehended by the local police (Andanson wouldn’t have known whether or not eyewitnesses to the crash had given his license plate number to the police).
It so happens that the British Embassy is located only a mere six blocks from the crash site and the shortest route to it from the Alma tunnel is the rue Jean Goujon! Moreover, three very senior members of MI6 had relocated to Paris in the same time frame that Dodi had purchased the engagement ring in Monaco. All three were in Paris at the time of the crash. They are Richard Spearman, personal secretary to the then head of MI6, Sir David Spedding, Nicholas Langman, principal assistant to Spearman, and Sir Richard Dearlove, who became head of MI6 after the death of Spedding. 9
In all probability, the white Mercedes observed following the Fiat at high speed was driven by a co-conspirator, who had been assigned to transport Andanson or the motorcyclists away from the crash scene if their vehicles had sustained excessive damage in the incident. If Diana’s limo had covertly been fitted with a radio controlled steering system only two weeks prior to the crash, as claimed in the LeWinter documents, an assassin in the white Mercedes with a radio transmitter could have taken over control of the limo and deliberately crashed it into the thirteenth pillar of the tunnel.
In summation, eleven eyewitnesses to the crash made statements which make it abundantly clear that one or possibly two motorcyclists and one pillion passenger were working in conjunction with the driver of the Fiat Uno to precipitate the fatal crash in the Alma tunnel.
As former spy Richard Tomlinson had noted in his autobiography, MI6 had previously devised an identical crash scenario in order to kill Slobodan Milosevic, but how did they know that Diana and Dodi would be in Paris, and who arranged for the limo to drive through the Alma tunnel instead of taking the shortest route to Dodi’s apartment?
All public phone calls and e-mails are routinely intercepted by the National Security Agency’s Echelon system, so the intelligence community would have been aware that Dodi had purchased the engagement ring ten days prior to his death. One of Diana’s closest confidante’s was Rosa Lawson Monkton; the Moncktons have spied on behalf of the British Establishment for several generations. This doesn’t necessarily imply that Ms. Monckton (a longtime friend of the Windsors) was spying on Diana, but her husband Dominick is the editor of the Sunday Telegraph and allegedly has provided journalistic cover for members of the British Intelligence Service, according to Richard Tomlinson. The former spy also claims that Rosa’s brother Anthony is a member of MI6. Diana would certainly have kept Ms. Monckton informed of the planned marriage, details of which presumably were passed to MI6, either through gossiping with her brother or by means of phone intercepts. In addition, Diana allegedly telephoned her friend Lucia Fleche di Lima, the wife of the Brazilian ambassador to the United States, about her engagement to Dodi.
The reason why Henri Paul was driving Diana and Dodi in a direction away from Dodi’s apartment at the time of the crash remains an unsolved mystery whose solution is perhaps known only at the highest level within MI6 and Buckingham Palace. I believe that there is a plausible explanation however.
The ill fated trip was the only one the lovers took together without bodyguards following the limo in an escort vehicle. Diana had a very deep mistrust of security personnel, for after all, it was a former member of an elite security group who revealed to the press that he had been a member of a team that had surveilled Diana for several years on behalf of British Intelligence. In addition, since their arrival in Paris, the overly aggressive behavior of the paparazzi had been a very traumatic and frightening experience for her. Diana must have realized that she would have to run another gauntlet of uncouth paparazzi if the lovers returned to Dodi’s apartment immediately after having dined at the Ritz. Despite the traumatic experience involving the paparazzi, Diana must have been overjoyed at having received Dodi’s marriage proposal and probably wanted to celebrate the happy event prior to returning to Dodi’s apartment. Since Diana had a penchant for discos, I suspect that she had persuaded Dodi to take her to an exclusive nightspot to dance the night away.11 The couple had given their bodyguards the slip while sightseeing in Monaco, when Dodi had purchased the engagement ring, so isn’t it plausible that they planned to send the Mercedes 600 and the Range Rover to Dodi’s apartment as a diversionary tactic, while the couple slipped away unescorted to another destination?
According to bodyguard Kez Wingfield, it was Dodi who confirmed Henri Paul’s announcement to himself and Trevor Rees-Jones that the couple wished to return to Dodi’s apartment unescorted and that the Etoile limousine service must deliver another limo to the rear exit of the Ritz. If the statement in the Oswald Le Winter documents concerning the modifications made to the steering system of the Mercedes 200S is factual, it implies that the selection of that specific limo wasn’t coincidental, but rather the work of someone within the Al Fayed organization who was already cognizant of the lover’s intent to be driven to an alternate destination.
Since Henri Paul was a paid informant of MI6, Dodi’s elegant suite at the Ritz would most certainly have been bugged, thus providing the assassins sufficient time to alert the two motor cyclists and Andanson of the planned route.
A Night on the Town
As deputy director of the Ritz security staff, it is quite conceivable that Diana and Dodi had told Henri Paul in confidence of their plan to have a night on the town, before he went off duty at 7.00 p.m. Saturday. He then would have had three hours in which to discuss the plan with his MI6 handlers prior to returning to the Ritz that same evening. If Henri Paul had been a mind controlled victim who had been programmed to drive to the Alma tunnel instead of taking the direct route to Dodi’s apartment, bodyguard Rees-Jones would have taken appropriate defensive measures when the limo took an alternate route at the Place de la Concorde, and immediately stopped the car. Since this never occurred, it implies that Henri Paul was taking a route acceptable to Diana and Dodi
It is quite possible that Henri Paul intended to take the last exit (rue Albert 1) before the Alma tunnel and drive to an upscale nightclub such as L’Etoile, where a man requires the sartorial elegance of a Cary Grant in order to gain admission and where the action doesn’t heat up until the early morning hours. According to eyewitnesses, this particular exit was blocked by two motorcycles, thus forcing Henri Paul to drive into the tunnel.
Motives for Murder
It’s not difficult to find a motive for assassinating Diana. The shy mouse that the House of Windsor intended to be used as a brood mare and nothing more, had evolved into a potential dragon slayer. She was intent upon preventing Charles from ever becoming king. Moreover, her mastery over the news media enabled her to publicly upstage the Windsors whenever she elected to do so.
Diana’s engagement to Dodi was unacceptable to the Windors since it meant that the future step father of Prince William and Harry would be a person of color and a practicing Muslim to boot. One can imagine Prince Charles’ fury upon learning that his former wife was being romanced by Dodi Al Fayed of all people, for ten years earlier, a polo team captained by Charles had been beaten by a team led by Dodi!
Another powerful motive for murdering Diana was that she had become a loose cannon, politically speaking. Her aggressive campaigning toward the instituting of a ban on the use of land mines and a reduction in armaments sales, was anathema to the major armaments consortiums such as the Carlyle Group, whose stockholders includes the Bush and bin Laden families, Condoleezza Rice and, by proxy purchase, the House of Windsor.
Until the advent of WWII, land mines had been used to impede the progress of enemy troops, but the introduction of tanks equipped with rotary flails which detonated land mines, provided a safe passage through minefields, thus diminishing their effectiveness. Their principal widespread use at the present time is to kill or maim children to prevent them from becoming future soldiers who might kill their aggressors. Cluster bombs serve a similar purpose, which is why they frequently contain bomblets disguised as toys.
At the time of the couple’s death, production was scheduled to commence on a movie based upon a screenplay written by Gordon Thomas concerning the abolition of land mines. The executive producer was to have been Diana, with Dodi as producer. The movie was scheduled to star Gene Hackman and Brad Pitt.
Stolen Images
Within a few hours of Diana’s death, the London home of photojournalist Lionel Cherruault was burgled after he had been contacted by a photo agency in regard to photos taken at the Alma tunnel crash site. The only valuables stolen were the hard drives from his computers and computer discs containing images of Diana. The London photo laboratory of Darryn Lyons had also been burgled the same day, after he had received e-mailed images of the crash from French photo agent Laurent Sola.
Curiously, a few days after the fiery death of James Andanson in June, 2000, his employer, the SIPA photo agency in Paris was entered by three armed and masked men, who terrorized the employees for three hours by holding them hostage and shooting a security guard in the foot. The robbers stole computer hard drives and ransacked offices in which Andanson had stored photos of Diana. The French police failed to respond to phone calls made by frantic employees while the burglary was in progress. This egregious act suggests that the robbers were connected with the French Secret Service.
Were the burglaries perpetrated in order to steal paparazzi photos which would reveal the license plates of the Fiat Uno and the motor cycles involved in the crash, or was there another even more sinister reason? After arriving at Dodi’s apartment in the Range Rover, bodyguard Kez Wingfield and his driver Philippe Dourneau received a message that Diana’s limo had crashed.
Upon hurrying to the tunnel, Wingfield phoned the Al Fayed headquarters in London, while Dourneau went to the wrecked limo. Dourneau reported to Wingfield that Diana had hurt her legs but otherwise appeared to be fine. Dourneau’s account is in accordance with a rumor circulated by the paparazzi that Diana had been photographed through the open rear door of the ambulance and was sitting up at the time.
Both accounts clearly are at variance with the version given by the attending medical personnel. It is self evident from eyewitness statements that the official version of the crash promoted by the French investigative authorities is clearly false. Adding fuel to the fire, a full post mortem on Diana was never conducted in France. In compliance with British law, a second autopsy was conducted in London by the official coroner to the Royal Family. Strangely, a copy of the autopsy report was given to the two pathologists who had performed the partial embalming of Diana in Paris (Professors Lecompte and Lienhart).
They were told that it was for their personal use and were ordered not to permit it to be included in the official investigative report of Judge Hervé Stephen. It implies that a massive cover up was perpetrated in order to conceal the fact that Diana was assassinated.
If this was indeed the case, can we not think the unthinkable and inquire whether the official claim that Diana died from a ruptured pulmonary vein is totally false and that Diana only sustained minor injuries in the crash, but was murdered either in transit to the hospital, or subsequently in the hospital?
A Lethal Oxygen Cylinder
I have assisted survivors of Illuminati and government mind control projects for several years. These unfortunate victims have related to me accounts of having witnessed ghastly satanic rituals attended by members of various noble families and establishment figures. Such victims are programmed multiples – the front alter personality being unaware that they have been mind controlled unless their programming has begun to unravel, which occurs in rare instances.
It is customary for each mind controlled victim to possess a reporting alter personality, who covertly communicates with the victim’s handler, usually by telephone, without the knowledge of the front alter personality.
After Diana’s death, I was speaking with a mind controlled victim who had attained the very exalted Illuminati rank of Mother of Darkness. During our conversation, her reporting alter personality took over the conversation as it had on other occasions when we had spoken. She named her handler, who is a very high level Illuminatus. He also is a very well known French banker and is the same person I mention in the introduction to my book “They Cast no Shadows,” concerning another matter.11 This handler allegedly had told the reporting alter that Diana had been ritually bludgeoned to death with an oxygen cylinder.
Such a statement appears preposterous unless one is well acquainted with the bizarre occult inner workings of the Illuminati.
source : conspiracyplanet.com

Princess Diana Letter: ‘Charles plans to kill me’

Posted in Conspiracy Theory with tags  on September 9, 2008 by indonesiaunderground
'Charles plans to kill me'(PHOTO The letter written by Diana to Paul Burrell)
(12-20-07)A handwritten letter in which Diana, Princess of Wales claimed that the Prince of Wales was plotting to kill her so he could marry Tiggy Legge-Bourke, the former nanny to Princes William and Harry, has been shown at the inquest into her death.
The note was sent to Paul Burrell, the princess’s then butler, in October 1993, 10 months after her separation from Prince Charles was announced.
The note written by Diana, Princess of Wales to her butler Paul Burrell
She wrote: “I am sitting here at my desk today in October, longing for someone to hug me and encourage me to keep strong and hold my head high.
“This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous – my husband is planning ‘an accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for him to marry Tiggy. Camilla is nothing but a decoy, so we are all being used by the man in every sense of the word.
The letter has been shown at the inquest at the Royal Courts of Justice in London to witnesses who have been challenged over their assertions that the princess did not fear for her safety.
Mohamed Fayed, the father of the princess’s boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, claims that the couple were killed by MI6 on the orders of Prince Philip to prevent them marrying and having a Muslim baby.
Michael Mansfield, QC, representing Mr Fayed, has suggested to close friends of the princess that she had expressed fears for her safety, which they have denied.
During questioning on Tuesday, the letter was shown to Lucia Flecha da Lima, the wife of the former Brazilian ambassador to London and one of the princess’s closest confidantes. She said that the princess had never expressed fears for her safety.
“I still don’t believe in it,” she said. “Paul Burrell was perfectly capable of imitating Princess Diana’s handwriting. I don’t believe she was fearing for her life, especially from Prince Charles, the future king of your country.”
The inquest has already been told that in October 1995 the princess told Lord Mishcon, her solicitor, that “reliable sources” had informed her of the prince’s plans “that she and Camilla would be put aside”

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