Friday, April 27, 2007


Moratinos: Sampaio dá «novo impulso» Aliança Civilizações

A nomeação de Jorge Sampaio para responsável da Aliança das Civilizações constitui um novo impulso para a iniciativa e um motivo que merece ser felicitado, considerou hoje o ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros espanhol.
Em declarações a partir de Oslo, Miguel Angel Moratinos considerou a notícia «excelente», sendo «muito esperada» e «muito bem recebida» pelo governo espanhol, que sempre impulsionou a iniciativa.
Moratinos destacou as «qualidades, o prestígio pessoal e a experiência política» do ex-presidente da República, elogiando o compromisso que Jorge Sampaio tem manifestado relativamente à Aliança das Civilizações.
A porta-voz do secretário-geral da ONU, Ban Ki-Moon, anunciou hoje em conferência de imprensa em Nova Iorque a nomeação de Jorge Sampaio para liderar a Aliança das Civilizações, uma iniciativa que partiu do actual primeiro-ministro espanhol, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

He was born in Lisbon on September 18, 1939. The Sampaio family lived abroad in the United States and England for some years, due to the professional activity of his father, a doctor. His maternal grandmother was a Sephardi Jewess of Moroccan origin, and his maternal grandfather was a naval officer and later the Foreign Minister of Portugal; Sampaio himself is agnostic[1]. He started his political career as college student of the Law School of the University of Lisbon. Jorge Sampaio was involved in the student contestation against the fascist regime and was leader of the Lisbon students union between 1960 and 1961. Following his graduation in 1961, Jorge Sampaio started a notable career as a lawyer, often involved in the defence of many political prisoners.
After the Carnation Revolution of April 25, 1974, Jorge Sampaio funded MES (Portuguese acronym for Social Left Movement) but abandoned the political project soon after. In 1978 he joined PS, the Socialist Party, where he remains to present day. His first election as a deputy for Lisbon in the Portuguese National Parliament is in 1979. Between this year and 1984, he was a member of the European Commission for Human Rights, where he developed important work on these topics. Between 1986 and 1987 he was president of the parliamentary bench of the Socialist Party. In 1989, he was elected president of this political group, an office he held until 1991. Also in 1989, Jorge Sampaio was elected mayor of Lisbon and re-elected i avançado pelos governos de Espanha e da Turquia para chefiar a Aliança das Civilizações, um projecto apadrinhado pelo anterior secretário-geral da ONU Kofi Annan.

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