Monday, July 29, 2019

no forensic detection of the burn....simple heart attack


acção contra o Estado Psyco Op's

2. Pintar todas as estátuas que honraram Portugal


acção contra o Estado. Psyco ops !
  1. meter um boneco a arder, à passagem do comboio pelos carris, à chegada às estações

Special Operations encompasses Civil Affairs, Special Forces, Psychological Operations.. Psychological Operations Born from counterpropaganda and resistance ... Known as Night Stalkers, these Soldiers are recognized for their ..(intel USA)

Special Operations encompasses Civil Affairs, Special Forces, Psychological Operations.. Psychological Operations Born from counterpropaganda and resistance ... Known as Night Stalkers, these Soldiers are recognized for their ..

The Fort Stewart Hunter Army Airfield Special Operations Recruiting Team can help you accelerate your career into Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, Special Forces, SOAR, and beyond. Let check out our page for more information.

they don't let me access video downloader for a specific task, i went to programming tools, downloaded the snippet, but they blocked the file extension, so, there's nothing to open, ..., well, back to the SCADA, its the same problem I hv here, when I try to hit them, they make a parallel internet connection, cutting their way to the LAN, and so, there's not possible's what I hv tribe

The only thing I spot off the top is to remove eth1 from dns forwarding as that is your WAN interface.
Conntrack being off is no issue.
I'm trying to setup my ERPOE5 with an existing Actiontec router from Verizon Fios. Essentially its just a bridge that passes all WAN traffic to a second router and leaves the Actiontec to handle COAX LAN for TVs.The setup is pretty straight forward. Here are the details if anyone is interested:

mislead military information, not able to determine targets

extinct by instinct (intel)

We have defined meaningful work as arising “when an individual perceives an authentic connection between their work and a broader transcendent life purpose beyond the self"

Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as "attention, language use, memoryperception, problem solving, creativity, and thinking". Much of the work derived from cognitive psychology has been integrated into various other modern disciplines such as Cognitive Science and of psychological study, including educational psychologysocial psychologypersonality psychologyabnormal psychologydevelopmental psychologylinguistics, and economics.


Analysis paralysis (or paralysis by analysis) describes an individual or group process when overanalyzing or overthinking a situation can cause forward motion or decision-making to become "paralyzed," meaning that no solution or course of action is decided upon. A situation may be deemed as too complicated and a decision is never made, due to the fear that a potentially larger problem may arise. A person may desire a perfect solution, but may fear making a decision that could result in error, while on the way to a better solution. Equally, a person may hold that a superior solution is a short step away, and stall in its endless pursuit, with no concept of diminishing returns. On the opposite end of the time spectrum is the phrase extinct by instinct, which is making a fatal decision based on hasty judgment or a gut reaction.
Analysis paralysis is when the fear of either making an error, or foregoing a superior solution, outweighs the realistic expectation or potential value of success in a decision made in a timely manner. This imbalance results in suppressed decisionmaking in an unconscious effort to preserve existing options. An overload of options can overwhelm the situation and cause this "paralysis," rendering one unable to come to a conclusion. It can become a larger problem in critical situations where a decision needs to be reached, but a person is not able to provide a response fast enough, potentially causing a bigger issue than they would have had they made a decision

Saturday, July 27, 2019

hack folder....drupal offshores

from here...tribe...
At first, I have created a table named with schoolold and inserted few records with respect to their column names and execute it.
Then I executed SELECT command to view inserted records
!!!!!!! to "overcome" the search on the web was:
mysql> select * from core_config_data where path like '%cook%';
In SQL Server, it's possible to insert into a table using a SELECT statement: INSERT INTO Table (col1, col2, col3) SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM…

L'exécution de Louis XVI

October 16 1793 - Marie Antoinette Execution

Friday, July 26, 2019

Técnicas de Golpe de Estado (portugal intel) pdf

portugal intel - golpe de estado

LOL...keywords...port21 dual port transmission, bandwith, 1st authorothy, critical infra estrutures...whaever. conclusion...siemens..authorinformation file ???? cool ..(stuxnet..hack folder)

send me:
1. your example (with more 512 archives tags) - Rapidshare link or e-mail
2. Authoinformation.inf
3. ScreenCopy of ALM with installed keys
Russian wrote:Простой пример с 513 архивными тэгами.
Чистый проект с набитой таблицей тэгов.
Без ключа SIFCY9WTGX* вылазит сообщение о превышении 512 тэгов.
Сообщения именно такие.
Поэтому мне непонятно приведённое некоторыми интуристами сообщение об A9WTG.

С установленным SIFCY9WTGX* ничего не вылазит.
Естественно первым делом надо поменять имя компьютера в проекте на имя своего компьютера.