Sunday, September 30, 2018

I started listening our culture with this song...when i was only 12...I was still reading Patricia and the 4 Castles...still today this song...somehow reminds me a place like North Ireland in the midlea of a big storm, close to the I was afraid to go back to the darkness of the midlea age...what about you?

Enola Gay

Guys...they are planning the heist. Economic you know...development, mr schimdt doens't have no way schmidt anyway will face german election 2020...that there will be no 6 months negociations...self destruction. So...let's do like this...let's wait next exit...then...they have 20 drones...40 GNR cars...we go in...and get released on the police station that happens...Suarez will be on the next on...if...they break deal...we have the plates of the yatch in Marrocos. Wait at the cabbine. Anyway...Zé dolly basque look like, just stab a clown with alternative but let him walk free...on the other hand...question is we "talk the talk and walk the walk" ...if they really wanted...we make them real men...if they don't...cows and whoores, witches and devil pacts...will put them wre they belong...with their faces smached on shit. next time, Ib...stab your beautiful jewish wife specimem...even if she's a pot of a pot very high will not get the show...but the real didn't watch yet....guys! " In the confusion, We rule"!

Friday, September 28, 2018

robbering plan #1

hey...if I wear a mask, I maen a hollywood bitch face......can I delay their tracking?...I want just a little part of the action...anyway I smoke too much...hey...they tracked the hong kong NK money with gps on...the bank notes...its not euros and Mackenzie said jam the bags...I said...then spray all banknotes with hair spray....(you know...2 mental breakdowns)

hello world! welcome back to war! another weekend...friday, 11.30 am "To give a sense of the scale, the Lufthansa robbery, at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, in 1978, involved a van, several accomplices, about forty large parcels—and five million dollars in cash, a record-breaking heist but less than a thousandth of what looks to have been stolen in Iraq..."

Billions have gone missing, in one way or the other, in Afghanistan and Iraq—in overpriced private contracts, in missions started then abandoned, looking for W.M.D.s, frittered away on bribes or on whole delusional military campaigns. And sometimes bricks of shrink-wrapped hundred-dollar bills are just stolen from a plane. That, at any rate, is the current best guess as to what happened to $6.6 billion that went to Iraq in 2003 but that we just haven’t been able to find since. From a Los Angeles Times report:
For the first time, federal auditors are suggesting that some or all of the cash may have been stolen, not just mislaid in an accounting error. Stuart Bowen, special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, an office created by Congress, said the missing $6.6 billion may be “the largest theft of funds in national history.”
It says a great deal abut the financial imprudence of this whole operation that, for years, auditors considered it plausible that the money might just be “mislaid” somewhere or the other, like a piece of paper on a very messy desk. This particular money came in on a few planes as part of a “cash airlift”; one of our lessons learned in Iraq, according to the L.A. Times, was that “one giant C-130 Hercules cargo plane could carry $2.4 billion.” (The paper measured the money another way: “enough to run the Los Angeles Unified School District” for a year.) After the planes landed in Baghdad, “millions of dollars were stuffed in gunnysacks and hauled on pickups to Iraqi agencies or contractors, officials have testified.”
How much effort, or lack of effort, would it take to steal billions of dollars in cash? To give a sense of the scale, the Lufthansa robbery, at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, in 1978, involved a van, several accomplices, about forty large parcels—and five million dollars in cash, a record-breaking heist but less than a thousandth of what looks to have been stolen in Iraq. Also: although we delivered the money, it was from an account of Iraqi funds accumulated during the years of sanctions. The Iraqi government would like us to pay it back.
The Baghdad airport job is not the only unresolved case from our war in Iraq, and money not the only thing lost; Time magazine reports that a grand jury is looking into the role of the C.I.A., and possible war crimes, in the death of a man photographed at Abu Ghraib, his body packed in ice.
Photograph of C-130 cargo plane by Master Sgt. Scott Wagers, U.S. Air Force, via Wikimedia Commons.
  • Amy Davidson Sorkin, a New Yorker staff writer, is a regular contributor to Comment for the magazine and writes a Webcolumn, in which she covers war, sports, and everything in between.
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Billions have gone missing, in one way or the other, in Afghanistan and Iraq—in overpriced private contracts, in missions started then abandoned, looking…

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

what is happening is the following...national security...and foreigner countries security are being treatd with 90% chances of a nuclear improvised device. While the "system" and poor attorney general how much pity I feel of their brains and degrees, discuss...nothing! Not taking me in...not paying the constitutional right...not arresting every gov from 2004 forward...the watch is running...time does not stop. What is missing a video record...of this suitcase (the real suitcase nuke)...trigger within 24 hours...and a ramsom. With a black mask face man. "You have 24 hours to pay...35 Million 155 Thousand euros!" I don't give a shit for their voters...what I want to how...the abstention...meaning...the large majority of portuguese...and world citizens...are going to react!
check it out

thermal scanning deception

..back to war! wednesday, 11.45 am! So, about drones thermal detection, on a veicule, we have the gas release, and the motor print heat....and we are protecting the battery motor and the gas tube...with thermoforming composites...kydex sheets..

thermal scanning deception

welcome back to war! wednesday...11.30 am! Thermal scanning deception .Asbestos Insulation on Boiler pipe
Hello World! Yesterday, because I was kind of having fun looking at some guy next building...both Bryan (IRA) both Ibrahim (Mossad) had an agressive attitude...anyway...I never been with none of them...and the guy is just a putagues disapointing not my physical style type....I just stopped looking, ok? but the discussion from personal gets political...What faction am I from the IRA? ...let me putted like this, in 1985...old school music was Fish...ETA closed the door the other day, as communists...never saw nothing else but Marx, and only at 10 inches of distance...If I'm defending palestinians from israeli agression...palestinian culture is not mine's ...neither the israeli...I could have insisted on Ghandi revolution...its on the know...let's all look like seafoxes with little sweet eyes in the midlea of a oil spit...My IRA faction...the american one. The movie is called "Step on Shit" from Lou Reed...because...Ib said to Bryan is going to nail him, for armement dealing...said to my face..he's putting guns against my country! ...humhum...We have a guine man listening to you Ib! ....yeah...just forget he is black motherfucker! ...In that case its not jeaulose...right, we can not separate here politics! that case...Ib...I must say to you...20 years from now...God will send a storm in the desert...that will destroy Zion and Palestine...trillions of insects will infect Earth...crocodiles from Nilo will eat people...! understand this, right? ...yeah, you always lived around us...we know that, before gyms weren't fashionable...hum hum, Mossad american type...let me meet that coyote! ...right! right! russian american type, greek american type...mexican american type...and...palestinian american we area all american types...let's present America bullshit to the world! ....we don't rule America...Ibrahim...Rothchild're eyes shined yesterday...every man has a dream...or every man has a price?

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"revenge is a dish served cool"

decoy at the bridge ...and effective target


wall street target
----back to war...tuesday...10.55 am

Thermal Imaging deception

Good morning! welcome back to war! tuesday, 09.45 am! Ok, thermal imaging the sacnner of the drone be confused, then the camouflage, must emit different heating emissitivity prints...and then the target does not match any shape...There's real camouflage at War...and not commercial products! Meaning...all biodegradable things, emit thermal to hide...or how to travel...Bourne's Identity...with "goods" with cow shit! and coal...

Monday, September 24, 2018

Ending warfare today...monday, 19.45 pm...thermal crossover is when Infra red thermal detection can not distinguish target from background.

You iletrated asshools...trying to hurt my feelings...suck my poussie ....who the fuck understands the IRA at all...Hollywood you asshool...? you want some nazi talk...we have all the nazi talk you can possible imagine...nazi moves...nazi face look...nazi fashion...don't misunderstand what the IRA is. Marx is a tip of the iceberg...honey.

Satellite hacking Intel 1 (BACK@WAR CyberArmy friends let´s start Satellite GPS navigation hack IT WILL HV A PRICE)