Sunday, October 15, 2023

My Own Opinios (Elsa Intel Israel Hamas)

 I learned wiith Mossad, do the right question, I'll give u the right answer

Not the hostage images are ŕeal not the real ones would benefit both parts What's dear for Hamas The prisoners Put the prisoners demanding hostages release " bcz Allah said so"

Hamas ' darlings' 1 What happens in Ukraine with exchange prisoners at war theather is that, are soldiers for soldiers, and not civilians 2 What Russia does is bringing inside children to be " educated" 3 And what happens collateral damage is men deserting from army obligations

In that case following ur " inteligent" allies moves The incompentent israeli gov who doesnt want to hear the truth Should immediatly " stay" with your children in exchange for the kidnapped civilians Dont make me stupid, bcz I'm not!

What?? Asking me what's a strategic attack? Well, the "objective" answer to the " objective" question Is destroying Hamas satelites Bcz thats the crucial more important piece of urban war, that is Communications! Not energy, not water, not food

Urban Guerrilla only depends of a very good communication system This Hamas attack is a " sort" of guerrilla since it doesn not use the guerrilla objective, sabotage On the contrary uses conventional rockets shooting down a plane, etc NK satelites are the objective target

What is happening on this "manifs" in Europe, is that " hostage" pictures and photos are not showned by " intellegence" agents Whi actually are, scratsing their ass not doing nothing

" we" here at the frequency Dont give a shit for ur leaders meetings of " convenient" politiquice " we, the People" demand competence, transparency , solutions and results!
Will you please Stop! Saying! What hours your doing the Invasion!!!!!
Will you please Stop! Saying! What hours your doing the Invasion!!!!!
Will you please Stop! Saying! What hours your doing the Invasion!!!!!