Thursday, February 6, 2020

undetectable murders (poison folder)

back to war! thursday, 16.45 pm! So...back to perfect oil is associate as an omega 3 suplement, but is also a calcium source, the difference between just calcium mineral, and the heart attack by overdose, related with the saliva, and theeth calcification...does not happen here...the fish oil, will interfer with the tiroide glandula, after 2 weeks of excess of oil fish, the person has a heart stroke. When the forensic analysis happens, it will of course see there was too much of oil fish on the blood, but then, the tiroide is also affected, and it can be naturally, so the probable cause, will be, by medical science point a view, a tiroide disfunction. Since the age of 12 years old, every human being as tiroide modifications, naturally
The question is, can or can not natural tiroide changes kill you? yes. And by taking oil fish? yes. Does the tiroide provoke dead if with oil fish ingestion, or can it kill by itself? yes, it can kill by itself. Could hv been the oil fish making this disfunctions by it self? No, it just grows. So, the person could hv died of tiroide changes even if he hadn't ingest oil fish? yes.

ÓLEO DE PEIXE: Potência profissional O óleo de peixe é bom para os cães! Os veterinários usaram os ácidos graxos de omega-3 pela primeira vez na…

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