Saturday, December 7, 2019

ok...this is the supernova, the origin of the Universe. Today's great discovering (the nex big thing is here..) , is that the nuclear bomb as an explosion, can be now a nuclear implosion. As an implosion, the bomb concept need to be triggered inside a vacumm chamber. Bcz today, we domain knowldge of all gas forms, we also know the universe ("before there was nothing..") was simple helium gas, on a infinite space of vaccum, The gas also has something resembleing a bacteria, that's the elctrical conductivity of gas forms. That bacteria then imploded, and our galaxy was formed. The new concept of the nuclear bomb, remains theorical, for an obviouse reason, no country wants to perform such an experience. At least, with permission of the political cagalhoes. Earth is Paradise, for the political parasites. The day, someone triggers neutrons inside a vaccum chamber...we will create another universe.

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