Sunday, September 29, 2019

central nucleal terrorist target radioactive

hello world...welcome back to war, ending another weekend, sunday, 11.30 am! I dont like at all 2 repeat myself, and Im out of nuclear phsycis for about 1 year and half...however its important 2 repeat..1 the nuclear bomb principle, is to shock neutrons against neutrons on a very high temperature, thats why the core of the bomb is U252 and the penetrator arrow is deuterium, among other radioactive substances, depending on the type and size of the bomb! 2 therefore, hitting a nuclear central, not build inside a bunker, you hv specific concrete walls, and even if the fuel, is mixed with some specific gas on board, the chain will not be the purposed one! As I was saying, again repetating the intel, icebreakers vessels, as u see, hv a nuclear reactor, moved by nuclear power, californium 52.

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