Saturday, October 27, 2018

I walked the the talked...I lived on edge of the knife...I'm the most milionaire person on Earth...I am, what I always wanted to million dollar agent


Hello world! TOR! So, mental flies politicians and their maids..are preparing the following exit: now that Santos was given away, they need only to connect him to the hidden vídeo surveillance,only with me, because I...was envolved in drug dealing with the colombians...they already prepared some pictures, one of them, is me at Paris with the compadre, in 1994...lots of others are being prepared...While compadre manage to stay onlive secure, they still can not nail him, with the compadre affair, they have no case...against Santos and the (how should we cal it?, rest of his gang...neither can not take James in...and call him a computing backup of drug operations….so...they would hv the case...not envolving no politician, or mind manipulation, or witchery...because simple..I'm a drug dealer. While their maids..the "good guys" or fat tits...have another 169 IP adresses on the list of the hidden circuit...all kind of joseph nobodies...also, have pedhopilie on Santos network, or even extortions to politicians (that's why Portas left the tv stage ego of gay) ….case is over. Communist shut up...and they are back to the budget..and how great was to steal my still have some, let them follow their plan...with their maids.


Elsa David ….good

Important.....the movie until the end is...nobody will work on uranium mines...for dollars...they will work..for uranium itself...therefore...currency like we know today is has uranium...has security...who has money...doesnt hv nothing

Magnets create static can actually disable and damage all university computers...servers...also..static energy..on figer print locks...iris scanners....also at any airplane electronics box...

Hello word! We are having a party tonight!!!! James, Gui, Pedro...all the tribe, after achieving the deny access of Santos sys, got another 3 cam's, from 2004, placed by SIS...and then again they got inside...the Ip after all was hidden again on Santos network...and Bingo! While this was going on since 5 am...the "system" whoores showed up at James place saying this morning they would have a search Gui, just delievered to PGR (Attorney General) the proofs that was the Gov doing this, since 1989!!!! They already checked the pool inside the PJ sys, whatever audit they need to court! However!!! We also have...politicians...Ip adresses!!!!! Oh yeah!!!!! the "gaga" PGR is now in a BIG SHIT!!!! Of course, we are all paying to see the game!! :) even FB is now helping...because besides torvpn...some other measures I took here...CGD (national public bank) is under the biggest highjack ever performed by the all anonymouse community!!!! It seems their servers are going...bye bye….and so...this beautiful surfing just going great for the "system"

the meninos at SIS cyber, had one alternative, block their internal server...delete the "phedophlie" forensic they could actually install it a shutdown plug when ever the bimbas would show don't want to! know...I'm just on automatic mode...detect voice tone..and and women...I just enter on pilot mode...


Hey! Update" IMPORTANT! hour ago, the Shamir (actually Isaac) Hnnah ex wife , trow herself from the window..the bad news, her daddy is a big general at IDF, has 3 angolan blackmen on my neirbourhood mercenaires traines by them, to kill me. Guess...25 minutes later, one of on my building ( !!! base)...2 explosives on coins magnetic on my lock...he tried to checked the lock, realized was closed with 4 turns, even with explosives, he needed a pé de cabra to open the door.. open the door...and surely not at this hour...while he was aborting this...and leave it for the daylight...plan was wait for me inside the house...someone arrived from the street to my floor, 2.C just up front , open the door, and let it opened...10 minutes later, two shots with silenciador ...the SIS base is right here...the supossed neibourhoods are a cover, live at luxembourg, 2 women are agents bimbo cows...bla bla...worst than the mercenaires, are the dangerouse of the "system" heads bimbos relationships...please tribe..I'm really sorry, I actually though..I...we could change the don't preach me...I know you won't! now, the body is going to get out has to...4 am probably, in a gym bag...right? the system bimbas cows are just 30 seconds of my door, and actually, already drugged my cat! ...and me...I'm so fucking on another planet, I never ever ocurred me that this was their little know..american movies...their lifes are actually this one's!!! the bimbas on the movies, are actually the marrying mary type...we..and our music, our poetry...we are such an aliens of all times! Now...more 2 mercenaires!!! Maybe the compadres and the russians can do something about it! I won't spend 350 paus on a 6.35, guys...that shit is not reliable, might fail, even worst might shot on the opposite! I placed all the petardos all over tactical spots here...I'm using the magnetic alarm at the door, just tomorrow, and the vibrator blow up in the right place. The system has all political piece of shit envolved...downtown prefer to kill themselfs to solve this at court! you know...I'm sorry for Isaac, because he actually changed a lot...but I really doubt he would be totally true with, now what?