Thursday, June 8, 2017

corte de cabelo ultra rápido 02/2017


Well, everybody laugh of the urine explosive, because those who understand explosives, know that urine has 95% of water, and only 5% urea (the real explosive chemical) , so it's the urea destilled from the urine, whith pure vaseline and charcoal, all mixed with your hands, and then ready to blow up, which is a powerfull bomb. So, next question, how to get urea, from urine? you use your urine in a pot, for as long as 24 hours, on the refrigator with 4 degrees. than you boil the urine to get a mass, which still contains salt, therefore, not ready yet; then you boil again with ethanol (50 gm of urine salt mass with 1 liter of ethanol) at 20 degrees. To end, you filter the remain liquid, and there it is, pure urea explosive.