Ok, we are about to watch "take down" movie...and we had a conversation about ransoms, and stuff (I'll be here after the movie...) because the monaria from the system heard perfectly the conversation...there's no secret about it! Tancos robbering, was like I said..and I was the first to said..a staging...the "system" pretended to have recover the arsenal...for political convenience. What actually happended! two cars, bulgarian and romenia plates...got out of there...went to a factory...made the transactions, had the buyers waiting...left the cars there, cover...if they are smart, planted explosives to blow it up if needed...other two cars...normal shit...drived some where else..., including to europe...whatever...question is...if under a mountain of rubble, you hide an arsenal cabable of destroynig torre eifel or the 25th april bridge...it will never be detected...you are dealing here, with a girl, that actually, saw every little shit about explosives detection devices, drones...and all the shit there is in this world! ...another part of the question, is how to hide a gun used on an homicide...gentlemen...best way to not ever be found, is to place it in the back bag of any car is not yours, either is parket on a garage, either goes with some nanny in it...putted under the substitution tired..and walk away...when ever you need the gun...just calmly pick it up.
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