Monday, January 29, 2018

so....I have news for you...there's polonium 210 lab made (without a nuclear reactor) . (as I told you, on a nuclear reactor, the artificial make of polonium 210 is by his ancestor bismuth 210 particle bombardment) ....however on chemistry, there's a formulation to achieve polonium 210 " 'Polonium [Xe] 4f*4 5d10 6 s2 6 p4 is a group VI element and was first isolated from pitchblende (0.1 mg per ton). The halides are analogous to the Te salts but show increased stability in the Po2+ oxidation state. The chloride salts are volatile at temperatures greater than 150°C. The aqueous chemistry o f polonium is complex; the common oxidation states are Po2+ and Po4+. Polonium shows a strong tendency for colloid formation and complexation. These properties influence environmental behavior and separation chemistry. Spontaneous deposition o f polonium on some metals (eg. Ag, Cu and Ni) greatly simplifies source preparation for a-spectrometric measurements.Polonium is isolated from solution with metallic tellurium as the carrier. Co-precipitation from a strong hydrochloric acid is carried out by the addition of sodium hypophosphite which reduces both tellurium and polonium to the metallic state.After tellurium has been filtered off, polonium can be dissolved in a HBr-HCl acid mixture and the tellurium selectively reduced with hydrazine hydrochloride (N2H4.HCI), leaving the polonium in solution. Polonium can also be co-precipitated onto manganese dioxide. The addition o f potassium permanganate solution to a nitric acid solution containing polonium will scavenge it with the manganese dioxide precipitate."

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