Monday, January 6, 2020

If it was both Hawk firing 104mm and drone firing, which! was the first news released, then as you see, there's signs of heavy shooting at the wall ...this means there was shooting back! In that case, it weren't 2 cars...but only 2 cars got hitted. The ring of course is an old espionage story..Soleimani carried a poison and a GPS. Like in all spies stories, that ring could be the perfect decoy...someone at Damascus hacked the signed, positive confirmation it was on the airplane..and when it comes out at Bagdad, he's hit...or is not him at all. Either the way...Soleimani wouldn't land at Bagdad's airport but at Basra's one! On the other looks like Iraq forces were hit on what they present this story to be.

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