Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Operation OPEC - Terroranschlag in Wien


Let me say something to you, all Muhamads ...Chacal was the "one"...killing hundreds of joseph nobodies, and what you get, is that, they stay even more pretty in the picture, putting flowers at the funerals. You, over there, in little Loures city, justify the maids existence...without you...no "jobs for the boys" you want to go to paradise, go ahead...you did nothing! Chacal was the "one" . The moment he blow up the ass of the CIA director, he placed all world maids after him! He has the Game! And he was only caught, because the russians gave him away! Either you become Che, and take control of political systems in countries, and then you hunt to kill, either you're Chacal...because being Allah lovers, is a club it doesn't scare them. By the way...the other day, that hundreds of joseph nobodies ass killing at Paris, at 3 different spots...what about the bomb exploding inside a little restaurant...the press maids don't talk about? That! Their balls blowing up! Hurts the "system"! So..."Help me God"

this is not difficult level, and Cobalt is using this effective payload (after connecting to their server...) to fuck the "system" in a way they never have been fucked " Hijack allows you to connect to any ruby process and execute code as if it were a normal irb session. Hijack does not require your target process to require any hijacking code, hijack is able to connect to any ruby process. It achieves this by using gdb to inject a payload into the process which starts up a DRb server, hijack then detaches gdb and reconnects via DRb."

Using Hijack

$ hijack 16451
=> Hijacked 16451 (my_script.rb) (ruby 1.8.7 [i686-darwin9])

Using ruby-debug

Hijack can be used to start ruby-debug in your target process, for example:
$ hijack 61378
=> Hijacked 61378 (/opt/local/bin/thin) (ruby 1.8.7 [i686-darwin9])
>> hijack_debug_mode
=> true
We've enabled debug mode, but we still need to insert a breakpoint:
>> ActionController::Dispatcher.class_eval do
>>   class << self
>>     def dispatch_with_debugger(cgi, session_options, output)
>>       debugger
>>       dispatch_without_debugger(cgi, session_options, output)
>>     end
>>     alias_method :dispatch_without_debugger, :dispatch
>>     alias_method :dispatch, :dispatch_with_debugger
>>   end
>> end
Now tell hijack that we can start debugging:
>> hijack_debug_start
Point your browser at to trigger the breakpoint and ruby-debug's console will appear:
>> hijack_debug_start
(rdb:4) step
/Users/ian/Projects/zioko/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/dispatcher.rb:28 new(output).dispatch_cgi(cgi, session_options)
(rdb:4) backtrace
--> #0 /Users/ian/Projects/zioko/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/dispatcher.rb:28 in 'dispatch_without_debugger'
    #1 (eval):5 in 'dispatch'
    #2 /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/thin-1.2.2/lib/rack/adapter/rails.rb:81 in 'call'
    #3 /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/thin-1.2.2/lib/rack/adapter/rails.rb:69 in 'call'
    #4 /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/thin-1.2.2/lib/thin/connection.rb:76 in 'pre_process'
    #5 /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/thin-1.2.2/lib/thin/connection.rb:74 in 'pre_process'
    #6 /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/thin-1.2.2/lib/thin/connection.rb:57 in 'process'
    #7 /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/thin-1.2.2/lib/thin/connection.rb:42 in 'receive_data'
One caveat is that ruby-debug's 'irb' command will not work because the debug connection is remote, you also can't use hijack's irb console whilst debugging. A future version of hijack will hopefully allow you to switch between the two.

Monkey Patching

Just as in a normal irb session, you can redefine the code running in your target process.
This example redefines ActionController's dispatcher to print basic request activity (the example can be found in examples/rails_dispatcher.rb).
Start up a Thin web server:
$ thin start
>> Using rails adapter
>> Thin web server (v1.2.2 codename I Find Your Lack of Sauce Disturbing)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
In another console hijack the Thin process:
$ ps | grep thin
61160 ttys001    0:01.43 /opt/local/bin/ruby /opt/local/bin/thin start

$ hijack 61160
=> Hijacked 61160 (/opt/local/bin/thin) (ruby 1.8.7 [i686-darwin9])
>> ActionController::Dispatcher.class_eval do
?>   class << self
>>     def dispatch_with_spying(cgi, session_options, output)
>>       env = cgi.__send__(:env_table)
>>       puts "#{Time.now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')} - #{env['REMOTE_ADDR']} - #{env['REQUEST_URI']}"
>>       dispatch_without_spying(cgi, session_options, output)
>>     end
>>     alias_method :dispatch_without_spying, :dispatch
>>     alias_method :dispatch, :dispatch_with_spying
>>   end
>> end
Point your browser to
Back in hijack you'll see your browsing activity:
2009/08/22 14:24:48 - - /
2009/08/22 14:24:53 - - /login
2009/08/22 14:24:54 - - /signup
Instead of pasting your code into hijack, you can pass hijack the -e option execute a local file on the target process.

Process Output

By default hijack will forward your process output to the hijack client. This can get a little messy if your trying to write code at the same time as the target process writes to STDOUT/STDERR. You can mute and unmute the process with:
>> hijack_mute
=> true
>> hijack_unmute
=> true
For ease of use, hijack helper methods are discoverable with tab completion. hi will give you a list of available helpers.

Process Mirroring

DRb cannot dump objects to the hijack client for types that are not loaded in the client process. E.g if the remote process had required ActiveRecord and you tried to dump ActiveRecord::Base back to the client, DRb would instead return a DRb::Unknown object as ActiveRecord isn't loaded in the hijack client.
To work around this, when hijack connects to a remote process it will inspect all the files required by the process and also attempt to require them itself. This may not work for all object types however so you may still get a warning when an object cannot be dumped.


Buenas! Intel! welcome back to war! Sechin is out of the league of Bout . What to the CIA motherfuckers want, fuck the man behind saving Russia, from economic collapse of sanctions. They were highly fucked for redrawing from Ukraine, now they want revenge. Sechin just sold Rosfneft in Qatar (bigger oil producer competitor of Saudi Arabia) by using Glencore company there, which their equities are not subject of sanctions. This deal, covers the russian national debt. What's the trap for fucking Sechin, that fucks the americans? Is that Sechin is using Intesa Sanpaolo bank, which just "said" it would back the business loan...biggest italian bank (EU babes) with a very hight probabilty of total bankrupcy, (total insolvence) that ...would be bad news for the american friends around here. So, the fucks need the business deal, to save the banker italian whoores, and a big EU disaster. Not referring that Sechin has a great game, and he's using Mercury as cover to buy US pipe lines...another story...So, what kind of "exchange" information do the fuckers want from you Bout? Something that could swipe Rosfneft out of the map...that would be mean, fucking Russia for the next decade...and occupying Ukraine....if however the Chinese weren't funding Gazprom...that's another fuck...So, does Sechin is envolved on financing Likud at Israel? Bout...just say he is.  because...actually, he is.