Sunday, June 24, 2018

Great White - Once Bitten Twice Shy

ending another weekend, sunday, 18.50 pm...welcome back to war! Last call for today, is why just not get enriched uranium at home ? From the lot of concepts I've been trough, and having the notion that distinct Physics, do already have plasma generators...I'm improvising a reactor, in such a way, I'm using a radiation source giving energy to another radioactive source (magnetron) that produces the correct wave guides, to produce inside a generator, the two combined frequencies...just following the micro bomb blasting solution, one of them was, charging the device on a x ray machine. Everybody already understood that only a radioactive impact on another radioactive source, will cause reaction...
Hello world. Welcome back to war! end of another weekend, sunday, 09.10 am! the problem about small surfaces "neutralizing" particles itself...its now solved...