Sunday, May 20, 2018


...back to war! In January I went trough the construction of the nuclear IED! As complexed we have seen...even trying to establish simplicity and pratical sense. Today (in memory of my Father) I'm back to the subject with this post, to refer that among dozens of conspiracies about 9/11, you've hear hundreds of people, talking about micro nuclear, and some naive thinking about demolition suitcases, that are not longer used. Micro nuclear are made of a encapsulated HEU (high enriched uranium) or not exactly this so difficult radioactive substance .... inside a capsule filled with spheres of MR (magnetorheological (MR) elastomers , pioneers the israelis , and inspired on the basic physics of the nuclear implosion; meaning by this, this material , encapsulated, in small spheres weight no more than 100 grms , will determine the magnetic attraction force between the particles....the radioactive mass is placed inside an enclosure it is called an impact damper...therefore, this micro nuclear starts high levels of acceleration on the blasting explosion. In conclusion, all Israel Embassies have this in stock 
Good morning! end of another weekend, sunday, 07.40 am! Welcome back to war! Starting:
shell> ps -ef | grep mysqld
jon 8782 8520 0 10:30 pts/3 00:00:00 /bin/sh ./mysqld_safe --ndbcluster
jon 8893 8782 1 10:30 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld
--basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data
--plugin-dir=/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin --ndbcluster --ndb-connectstring=alpha
--log-error=/usr/local/mysql/data/delta.err --pid-file=/usr/local/mysql/data/
jon 8947 8520 0 10:30 pts/3 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysqld
shell> more /usr/local/mysql/data/
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Elsa David end of another weekend, sunday, 07.40 am NSA - National Security Agency
Responder10 minEditado
Responder10 min
Elsa David I'm !!! checking for all PID files on all mysql processes that by default starts on the script mysql_safe ...
Responder7 minEditado
Elsa David this runs first on the host alpha
Responder6 min
Elsa David and I'm!!! attacking the mysql binary...on any default options...
Responder5 min
Elsa David this means creating (replacing) a PID like : shell> echo '8893' > /opt/mcm-1.3.6/clusters/newcluster/pid/
Responder3 min
Elsa David and a new location was just created over the MySQL Cluster Manager
Responder2 min
Elsa David now I !!! can create a GET_REQUEST ....