Friday, August 30, 2019

ciganos vannnn ter que traduziri

Oh well...wrong Odemira they have a good base...first fake IDs at conservatoria...second a plane's landing field, if not from the husband of the oldest daughter of Lena joint at station Tercena..very close by...which now has a very chibante bar at fabrica da polvora anfitheater
 The ugly bimba of Lena's oldest daughter...oh well..worked at finance IRS offshores are totally invisible...the shacks and slums...whatever the bosses can do for subsidios..they quinta of santo antonio tercena...has a lot of beared...corps..and dope..and has a direct passage4 from the closed joint...I wonder..if the right at the modem...lots of the canil..fabrica da polvora food supply wans...that free pass for the woods...great place for guns
 great places..poor russian at 5C never had never will have an offshore...for much he works like a dog on your electronics...on the other hand...malfunction of my LCD...and I accepted a robbed one, with all guaranttess stayed with the new one, for some trolha...or just suck horses dicks professionals, that your ...girlfriends...dont know you like it......and they are even...facebook friends...but we live new times...trolhas....drones times...shit times...

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