Friday, July 19, 2019

hack SHA512 hash cipher


# Simple functional interface
$hash_ref = hashify('/path/to/file.csv', 'primary_key');
# Object-oriented interface
$obj = Text::CSV::Hashify->new( {
    file        => '/path/to/file.csv',
    format      => 'hoh', # hash of hashes, which is default
    key         => 'id'# needed except when format is 'aoh'
    max_rows    => 20,    # number of records to read; defaults to all
    ... # other key-value pairs as appropriate from Text::CSV
} );
# all records requested
$hash_ref       = $obj->all;
# arrayref of fields input
$fields_ref     = $obj->fields;
# hashref of specified record
$record_ref     = $obj->record('value_of_key');
# value of one field in one record
$datum          = $obj->datum('value_of_key', 'field');
# arrayref of all unique keys seen
$keys_ref       = $obj->keys;

"...The salt is generally stored in the database right next to the hash. In fact, it needs to be. How else could the web server hash the incoming passwords when checking them? So if you have a database dump, you have the salts.
You can often tell by the format or the length of the hash. For instance, a bcrypt hash usually begins with the marker $2b$

I am curious about password cracking methods like dictionary and brute force attacks. Nowadays…

what's salt?

Tool to decrypt/encrypt SHA-512. The SHA-512 hash is the unreduced version of the SHA-256 hash algorithme with a 128-character fingerprint.

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