Saturday, June 1, 2019

S. Lucas, Baloon and Balak, Maome, me..and the pedopophlie victim mercenary

This morning, 5 seconds after I woke up...some very important rich ass, planted an image of a young man, saying he was a mercenary. The young picture of should we call him...girl, with the eyes of rape by priests look, grow up, is now a dangerouse killer. But we must remeber the Escriptures, S. Lucas said that the Lord Jesus Christ said, if you come on a single day, sinning against me 7 times, I shall forgive you 7 times! BUT! If you provoke a scandal! ..the Lord says you should be tied with a very weight object, on your neck, and trow to the sea...! Like Baloon (lol) and Balak...we are getting ready to receive God himself here..we prepared 20 cows and 45 goats for the party! We hope God doesn't miss it, as he did with Baloon and Balak...quite frustating! About the Koran...I don't know the passage when Maome, talks about this...but he surely was like S. Lucas, heavily drugged with on the painting...

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