Friday, January 25, 2019

good morning! Venezuela Intel! Venezuela's Maduro gov..have made 140 billion debt by asking loans to oil explors. Among them, China State Company of Oil Importation! Which was receiving the debt in oil shippments. The more the oil barrels drops, with Russia udge grow of production, the less the chinese take out profit out of Venezuela. Since, China took the political backup to Maduro, which was last 27 October, when Maduro made a new loan, of 1 billion to be released at 2020!!! So, Venezuela political shit, all together, realized, that the country is without tottaly political independence, and including giving finance losses to strategic partners. China left the support, Maduro has felt, Venezuela is no longer a country for the next 50 years to come, and the IMF will interfer soon.

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