Monday, October 29, 2018

Hello Mossad, Russia, China! You hv always hacked the router offline...question suspisiouse is did James really left something at the NSA...another thing many times you all hacked this cagatório country, sensitive spots? you tell many times? Isaac, I'm a lonely wolf...I like to fart alone...if God decides so..I will meet somebody...but probably not...and that guy now that I quit that medication..and won't even notice my farting! You know...farting for make a sad figure of yourself, when anybody wants you too...leave some traumas!...the political war...well...long years of hunger...makes you another person. You only really know the ghetto when you walk inside the ghetto! So, you won't let me go?...I suppose this war...won't let go no one from here...but you all are super stars computing countries! ...yes, white noise fucks the job...but this nice left me here...will always reminded me your birthday 19th April

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