Thursday, October 4, 2018

HEIST #12 ;)

LOL...long, long...long time ago...I used to say it here...well...somehow we will end up, on a private island having a, how could I be at the party? So, charity ends up here at the church...but the money ends up flowing on my Mom's wallet ....someone trought my blog channel sends me an invitation...maybe this guys here who is my regular visitor...I hv then money, to book a travel to my country Mozambiq..and get a Cessna flight over the spot...unknowed named. Because the plan was all made, based on mask faces, no trace of the money when the laundrying occurs, none of us...ever will be caught...this goes worldwide friends...and then...I used to say...we will on purpose lay down at the beach sand...and show the fingert to the satellite ...there's a soundtrack ,,,,i just don't remember the song...

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