Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ariel Sharon and me

..well, another week in physics ,one turn in computing and chaos networks, and today, they will not cheq at the mail box, no constitutional right! I must say to the muslum world, that some of you, who were before them, know that the moment I lost Ariel Sharon, I lost everything! While the other pigs, came here free entrancy, while watching the cow, the goat, the little fly from the suburbians, dancing, Sharon actually knew that I had brains, and didn't like it...he had lots of internal affairs problems, the redraw from Gaza...he didn't like Nethanyao , one of the reasons he created the fusion with Likud, and became Kadima, and bad luck, that was the asshool will not pay. they will pay tomorrow, when i«ll go to technaical aspect of the bomb...they will not pay.

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