Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sticky keys (sethc.exe) within C:\Windows\System32 is too commonly replaced by a re-named copy of CMD.exe (to sethc.exe), and, placed into the System32 directory.
From the login screen, the shift key is then quickly tapped 5 times which allows winlogon.exe to run CMD presenting a CLI at Administrator level - this happens pre-logon...
From this elevated CLI, commands may be entered to enable the Administrator account (e.g., "Net User Administrator/Active:yes"), and upon reboot, the administrator account is now accessible with no password. Also, from this CLI at next login, the activated Administrator account may be given personal security (e.g., "Net User Administrator newpassword" which equates to a new Administrator password being set
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Elsa David tuesday, 11.55 am INTERPOL HQ
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Responder1 min
Elsa David one thing NSA - National Security Agency is to PSK manipulation at the hub ...the other is protect your ass at the command line

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