Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I was searching for radioactive ( hunting the "system" ) and I found something interesting to share! There are two methods air ionizers work. The first is alpha ionization, which uses a nuclear source such as polonium 210...The second method is called corona ionization, which uses an electrical current to create bipolar ionized air....you might just find alpha ionizers (or positive=radioactive) , on industries as the one's who need to measure thickness of aluminium, or plastic... you also find gov. contractors selling "P-2021-8201 Industrial Alpha Ionizing Gun Kit" ...etc; what I want to share is something much more sensitive; Is that the corona ionization gun systems ( apparently harmless) releases tungsten particles ( a complex reaction of humidity and electrons ) , I leave you with the theme discussion, could you turn a metal as mercury, (specially mercury because of the radiation absorption properties) by being air ionizer into a radioactive source? ...that would be tremendouse shit!!!! (see next post)

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