Saturday, August 20, 2016

Ok, guys, I'm going to sleep now :) Before I go, I want to quickly explain to all those following this without understanding chit what's about; the authority port, the world internet authorithy (port 53) runs a trellis encryption; trellis is a 3 D system of geometric figures, where each vector of the 3D has a lapse of time (TTL) until can be shut off (like gmail which only can be reopened in 300 seconds) and a velocity of bites running on diffrent paths of volume (packets) , however (this is called convunational) trellis has a file i.cnm which has a task to forward, retransmit and reset all data traffic on world internet; what I've been doing was to use the forwrd aspect, which on the last code I published is about to reverse the lenght (firewall) , when we reverse the trellis path we are making possible a forward pool; this means that this is is the midlea aspect of shutting down worldwide internet. So, I'll be here tomorrow God's wishing; and He does. see u bye bye.

30 #include <itpp/base/matfunc.h>
32 #include <itpp/base/converters.h>
33 #include
37 namespace itpp
38 {
40 // Square root of a square matrix (based on Octave sqrtm implementation)
41 cmat sqrtm(const mat& A)
42 {
43  return sqrtm(to_cmat(A));
44 }
46 // Square root of the complex square matrix A
47 cmat sqrtm(const cmat& A)
48 {
49  cmat U, T;
50  schur(A, U, T);
52  int n = U.rows();
53  cmat R(n, n);
55  R.zeros();
56  for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
57  R(j, j) = std::sqrt(T(j, j));
59  const double fudge = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits::min());
61  for (int p = 0; p < n - 1; p++) {
62  for (int i = 0; i < n - (p + 1); i++) {
63  const int j = i + p + 1;
64  std::complex s = T(i, j);
66  for (int k = i + 1; k < j; k++)
67  s -= R(i, k) * R(k, j);
69  const std::complex d = R(i, i) + R(j, j) + fudge;
70  const std::complex conj_d = conj(d);
72  R(i, j) = (s * conj_d) / (d * conj_d);
73  }
74  }
76  return U * R * U.H();
77 }
80 bool all(const bvec &testvec)
81 {
82  for (int i = 0; i < testvec.length(); i++)
83  if (!testvec(i)) return false;
84  return true;
85 }
87 bool any(const bvec &testvec)
88 {
89  for (int i = 0; i < testvec.length(); i++)
90  if (testvec(i)) return true;
91  return false;
92 }

Convert convolutional code polynomials to trellis description 

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Portugal intel politics (Santa Casa filho Marcelo ) ( And Again "Whatsup?" So Russia, here it is the "OnGoing" (LOL) "business", let´s call it "active interference" from the little moron son of Morcelas the xéxé Putagal president IT WILL HV A PRICE) https://tviplayer....